Wiim Ultra instability


Jul 30, 2024
I received my Wiim Ultra yesterday. It's replacing a Wiim Pro that I've had for several months. Is anyone else experiencing issues with connection stability when using Tidal Connect or Chromecast from Roon? My Wiim Pro is rock solid, but the Ultra is not. My experience is that at some point, the Ultra will simply disconnect from whichever service I'm playing from. It will disappear from the Tidal or Roon app, only to reappear a few moments later. Tidal is significantly more reliable. EDIT: I'm aware that Roon certification is pending for the Ultra. I mention Roon only because it's what I'm using primarily, and it is handling connection via Chromecast when not using Tidal Connect directly for troubleshooting purposes.

When casting from Roon, audio will play fine for up to a few hours, and then the device disconnects/reconnects. When it disconnects, it vanishes entirely from the Roon device list. It appears moments later. Once it does, I can no longer play more than a second or two. This repeats until I reboot the Ultra. Sometimes, that resolves the issue for a few hours more. Other times, it does not. Looking at the Roon logs, I can see the disconnection. At the same time my Wiim Pro works flawlessly.

My network is enterprise-grade, backed with Ruckus L3 switches and a Ruckus R650 WiFi 6 AP. I've used the Ultra and Pro both wired and wireless. The network shows no instability in the connection to the Pro or Ultra. My firewall shows no dropped packets from the Ultra, no odd traffic, no unusual activity at all. My DNS filter shows nothing anomalous from the Ultra nor are any queries being blocked. The only difference between the Ultra and Pro (other than hardware, of course) is that the Pro uses RAAT for the connection from Roon while the Ultra uses Chromecast. If I drop back to Chromecast for the Pro, I have no issues.

The Ultra is running the latest beta firmware (5.2.624635), as recommended by Wiim support via a ticket submitted from the Wiim Home app last night. I'm happy to wait on firmware updates, but with so many positive reports of people having no issues I'd like to get it replaced by the retailer if the device is defective.
That was a great report with amazing details and explanations as to your journey.

My current level of happiness has been using the WiiM app only. Eventually I have been considering going the direction of ROON (I used it in the past but did find streaming to multiple rooms was not as reliable) .

I'm glad your previous device was a positive experience and my only suggestion is WiiM seems very dedicated to solving problems so hopefully this is another fix they can address quickly.

Definitely if you find progress either direction I would love to keep hearing about it so that my decision to go to ROON is met with less surprises.

I did have a little trouble in the beginning with one of my Ultras leaving the network but I just plugged it into wired and that seemed to make my problem go away.

That doesn't seem to be your issue as you seem to be extremely skilled in networking and would have already troubleshooted that.

Again great job with great detail for troubleshooting, it's a role model for all of us.

I've requested a return from Amazon for this. I provided some additional details on the ticket, along with new feedback with current logs. At the moment, both Tidal Connect and Chromecast are effectively unusable. Chromecast streaming causes the device to disconnect almost immediately, even after a factory reset. Tidal Connect works fine as long as I don't pause, skip, or repeat a song. It also stops entirely as soon as a queue is done. If Tidal tries to then move to the "radio" style queue after playing an album, the device immediately disconnects. I have to select a different device within the Tidal app, wait a minute or two, then select the Ultra again, then play, and it sometimes works.
I've requested a return from Amazon for this. I provided some additional details on the ticket, along with new feedback with current logs. At the moment, both Tidal Connect and Chromecast are effectively unusable. Chromecast streaming causes the device to disconnect almost immediately, even after a factory reset. Tidal Connect works fine as long as I don't pause, skip, or repeat a song. It also stops entirely as soon as a queue is done. If Tidal tries to then move to the "radio" style queue after playing an album, the device immediately disconnects. I have to select a different device within the Tidal app, wait a minute or two, then select the Ultra again, then play, and it sometimes works.
Can you provide the mobile device you have? I ask because on older Apple devices I get the same with your description but not iphone 15.
I received my Wiim Ultra yesterday. It's replacing a Wiim Pro that I've had for several months. Is anyone else experiencing issues with connection stability when using Tidal Connect or Chromecast from Roon? My Wiim Pro is rock solid, but the Ultra is not. My experience is that at some point, the Ultra will simply disconnect from whichever service I'm playing from. It will disappear from the Tidal or Roon app, only to reappear a few moments later. Tidal is significantly more reliable. EDIT: I'm aware that Roon certification is pending for the Ultra. I mention Roon only because it's what I'm using primarily, and it is handling connection via Chromecast when not using Tidal Connect directly for troubleshooting purposes.

When casting from Roon, audio will play fine for up to a few hours, and then the device disconnects/reconnects. When it disconnects, it vanishes entirely from the Roon device list. It appears moments later. Once it does, I can no longer play more than a second or two. This repeats until I reboot the Ultra. Sometimes, that resolves the issue for a few hours more. Other times, it does not. Looking at the Roon logs, I can see the disconnection. At the same time my Wiim Pro works flawlessly.

My network is enterprise-grade, backed with Ruckus L3 switches and a Ruckus R650 WiFi 6 AP. I've used the Ultra and Pro both wired and wireless. The network shows no instability in the connection to the Pro or Ultra. My firewall shows no dropped packets from the Ultra, no odd traffic, no unusual activity at all. My DNS filter shows nothing anomalous from the Ultra nor are any queries being blocked. The only difference between the Ultra and Pro (other than hardware, of course) is that the Pro uses RAAT for the connection from Roon while the Ultra uses Chromecast. If I drop back to Chromecast for the Pro, I have no issues.

The Ultra is running the latest beta firmware (5.2.624635), as recommended by Wiim support via a ticket submitted from the Wiim Home app last night. I'm happy to wait on firmware updates, but with so many positive reports of people having no issues I'd like to get it replaced by the retailer if the device is defective.

You should be aware of:

1 - Roon is not yet working or certified.
2 - Chromecast (now called CastLite) is still under development.

Everyone, not just you is experiencing those issues.
Can you provide the mobile device you have? I ask because on older Apple devices I get the same with your description but not iphone 15.

I use a Pixel 8 Pro. I have a fairly new iPad Pro and will give Tidal Connect a try on that. Chromecast is via Roon.

You should be aware of:

1 - Roon is not yet working or certified.
2 - Chromecast (now called CastLite) is still under development.

Everyone, not just you is experiencing those issues.

I'm aware it's not certified. The problem is that I don't see everyone experiencing those issues. I see a troubleshooting forum with few issues reported, and those issues are unrelated. I see lots of other threads here and elsewhere, and many glowing reviews. That I experience these issues so severely, and so immediately, but do not see the same elsewhere or in reviews invites the question: Did I get a bum unit? If so, no problem. It happens, and I am not angry or offended. If it's not a bum unit, but instead software/integrations not ready for primetime, that happens too and I'm still not offended.
I use a Pixel 8 Pro. I have a fairly new iPad Pro and will give Tidal Connect a try on that. Chromecast is via Roon.

I'm aware it's not certified. The problem is that I don't see everyone experiencing those issues. I see a troubleshooting forum with few issues reported, and those issues are unrelated. I see lots of other threads here and elsewhere, and many glowing reviews. That I experience these issues so severely, and so immediately, but do not see the same elsewhere or in reviews invites the question: Did I get a bum unit? If so, no problem. It happens, and I am not angry or offended. If it's not a bum unit, but instead software/integrations not ready for primetime, that happens too and I'm still not offended.
Try send message to wiim via app. They can check your log and give you definite answer. I don’t use chromecast but use tidal connect with iPhone 15 with zero problem. Older Apple exibit such problem maybe those devices are under powered and can’t run app properly and also outdated ios version.
...Older Apple exibit such problem maybe those devices are under powered and can’t run app properly and also outdated ios version.

Chromecast is a hand-off connection. Once established the source app is disconnected. The Chromecast receiver takes control.
Try send message to wiim via app. They can check your log and give you definite answer. I don’t use chromecast but use tidal connect with iPhone 15 with zero problem. Older Apple exibit such problem maybe those devices are under powered and can’t run app properly and also outdated ios version.

I opened a ticket on Monday night and have been working with them. They've submitted the logs to Google for review of the Chromecast issue. They also said they are working on the Tidal Connect issue. My phone, a Pixel 8 Pro, is a brand new Android flagship. Definitely not old or underpowered. Chromecast works differently from some other connections, so once the "sender" is done acting as a kind of connection broker it's no longer involved in the process. At least, that's how I understand it.
Chromecast is a hand-off connection. Once established the source app is disconnected. The Chromecast receiver takes control.

This is what I understood as well. I did some separate testing with other devices to confirm I wasn't having some sort of physical/network connectivity issue or a filtering problem. It does seem to be an issue with the Ultra's implementation of Chromecast. I'm hoping Wiim can get the issue resolved. I spent considerable time researching streamer options all the way up into the thousands of dollars, and Wiim seems like the best combination between price, feature set, and app quality. The Wiim Pro has been the most trouble-free experience I've ever had with a purpose-built streaming appliance.
We are having disconnection and playback stopping randomly as well. It hasn't been fatal for us to resort to returning the items, and as others have stated, submitting these cases through the SEND FEEDBACK option is how I am notifying WiiM of these issues.
I am not sure they will fix them, but I am willing to give them some time to address them. Ultimately many of us are on our 30 day RETURN window and none of us want to keep equipment that is "flaky". If we wanted that we could keep our SONOS devices (haha).

I pray/hope/wish that WiiM addresses this quickly. They might even want to find a way to "jump on a remote meeting" with a system and watch it happen in real time. Sometimes LOGS tell part of the story, but watching it happen usually helps my convince programmers the problem is real and not some USER induced issue.

Everyone on this thread seems competent and aware of technology enough to show to WiiM this is real.. now its about their actions and ability to reproduce, diagnosis and fix a problem. I guess as they say, here's where the rubber hits the road, or the proof is in the pudding, or ...

Thanks to everyone,
I am also experiencing this exact issue with Roon. Plays fine for a while, then the Ultra completely drops off Roon, then reappears 30 sec later. Rinse and repeat.

I’m also having issues playing Plexamp via Google Cast. It just starts skipping or gets hung up on a note and just repeats over and over.

Seems like Google Cast is the common denominator here. No issues when using Spotify Connect or Tidal Direct.

Hoping they sort this out soon, would kind of suck if we are now not getting Airplay and Google Cast is broken.
Same issue here, drop outs, tracks skipping and then inevitably the device disappears from Roon. Although I've not done extensive testing, I feel that tracks from my library through Roon are more stable than Tidal via Roon.
So it's probably good news to you that Roon certification has completed and a new firmware is coming soon.
Welcome to the new members of this thread. It really does go to show the wild coincidences in this world.
Same issue here, drop outs, tracks skipping and then inevitably the device disappears from Roon. Although I've not done extensive testing, I feel that tracks from my library through Roon are more stable than Tidal via Roon.
Follow up on my issue, I've enabled Squeezebox support in Roon and am now connecting via that to the Ultra - no dropouts yet...
Follow up on my issue, I've enabled Squeezebox support in Roon and am now connecting via that to the Ultra - no dropouts yet...
In a further update, I've just had a message back from WiiM support saying they've pushed out an update (v. 5.2.624635) which should address this issue...
I'm running the 5.2.624635 firmware already (installed Tuesday) which did not resolve the issue. If Roon cert has gone through, then my issue is rendered moot. I do think that Wiim should have considered delaying launch until they had at least one of the major streaming protocols (Roon, Chromecast, or AirPlay) fully stable. That's more of a business decision than a technical one. I've experienced some other issues as well, and I'm expecting a replacement Ultra to arrive today.