Wiim Ultra instability

I’ve also been using Amazon unlimited on the ultra for the last 2 weeks and would agree that it’s only 95% there. Even after the patch I’m still getting occasional dropped songs and the cover art always gets lost in the WHA (although it always appears correctly on the ultra). The amazon archive is just as good or better than apple, sounds great and functions acceptably well on the ultra so I’m making the switch. Hope the WiiM team can dial in the last 5% and really make using Amazon on the ultra a higher end experience.
There’s new ultra update that’s on progress mentioning about Amazon. This may solve the remaining 5%. Keep us posted!
Lots of stuttering when using google cast to the Ultra. I'm on the latest firmware but the issue hasn't been solved (using digital out to an external dac). Also with google cast it converts everything to 24bit/48khz, no matter what I play.
My Pro never missed a beat, google cast worked perfect. I sent a ticket...
Hope they get this resolved quickly.
Lots of stuttering when using google cast to the Ultra. I'm on the latest firmware but the issue hasn't been solved (using digital out to an external dac). Also with google cast it converts everything to 24bit/48khz, no matter what I play.
My Pro never missed a beat, google cast worked perfect. I sent a ticket...
Hope they get this resolved quickly.
It's a different implementation of chromecast on the ultra than pros etc.
For me, cc to the ultra was just stopping 'randomly', but rarely after more than a couple of songs.
Wiim are aware of the issues, and are working on them!
I have 2 issues so far using s23 ultra to operate the wiim menu. Have wiim pro plus and ultra at the same network and pro plus connected to ultra via optic cable for using apple play through apple tv. Amplifier Yamaha rx-4va connected to yamaha soavo 1 and b&w dm620i with 2 subs one connected to amp oyher to ultra.

1- Spotify connect and tidal connect drop out in the middle of songs for the ultra

2- There is significat hissing sound coming from ultra comparing to proplus

Can those be fixed wiim team ?
It's a different implementation of chromecast on the ultra than pros etc.
For me, cc to the ultra was just stopping 'randomly', but rarely after more than a couple of songs.
Wiim are aware of the issues, and are working on them!
Yeah, same here. Sometimes stopping randomly, sometimes stuttering and sometimes it keeps on repeating the same 5 seconds of a song.
That's the firmware I'm on! So it hasn't fixed the issue.
This might or might not help, but if something doesn't work as advertised after a firmware update it's generally worth a try (and it's free): Disconnect the Ultra from mains power for half a minute or so, then plug it in again.
This might or might not help, but if something doesn't work as advertised after a firmware update it's generally worth a try (and it's free): Disconnect the Ultra from mains power for half a minute or so, then plug it in again.
I've had it disconnected allready (but granted only a few seconds). Also did a reboot (and restore factory settings) but no ball. Will wait and see what they respond first if it's a known issue, even with this firmware. Will try disconnecting for a longer time after that.
There’s new ultra update that’s on progress mentioning about Amazon. This may solve the remaining 5%. Keep us posted!
I finally received the most recent update 5.2.625658 and have done a little more testing with Amazon music.

- listening to albums start to finish I have encountered very few skips or abrupt starts but like before the cover art is lost in the WHA app after my phone goes to lock screen 2-3 times. Interestingly the album art is always correct and never drops on the ultra.

- listening to the Amazon reggae music station I experienced lots of skips and 1-2 stops in a 1.5 hour listening session. Despite the skipping the album art showed correctly the entire time in the WHA app and on the ultra.

I’ll continue to test this update but so far my Amazon experience has not improved.

- an interesting related observation. My ultra gets a “weak” WiFi signal when connected to 5GHz but a “very good” signal (usually -58 RSSI) when connected to 2.4GHz. It took me awhile to figure this out and how to change the setting.
I finally received the most recent update 5.2.625658 and have done a little more testing with Amazon music.

- listening to albums start to finish I have encountered very few skips or abrupt starts but like before the cover art is lost in the WHA app after my phone goes to lock screen 2-3 times. Interestingly the album art is always correct and never drops on the ultra.

- listening to the Amazon reggae music station I experienced lots of skips and 1-2 stops in a 1.5 hour listening session. Despite the skipping the album art showed correctly the entire time in the WHA app and on the ultra.

I’ll continue to test this update but so far my Amazon experience has not improved.

- an interesting related observation. My ultra gets a “weak” WiFi signal when connected to 5GHz but a “very good” signal (usually -58 RSSI) when connected to 2.4GHz. It took me awhile to figure this out and how to change the setting.
Try to restart ultra and see if that’s going to improved. Wiim release mini to ultra but I’m seeing more problem being reported on ultra. It will takes some time before all the kinks would get sort out.
Try to restart ultra and see if that’s going to improved. Wiim release mini to ultra but I’m seeing more problem being reported on ultra. It will takes some time before all the kinks would get sort out.
Thanks I rebooted twice after installing the update. I’ll keep testing. I have another month left on my return period.
We are having disconnection and playback stopping randomly as well. It hasn't been fatal for us to resort to returning the items, and as others have stated, submitting these cases through the SEND FEEDBACK option is how I am notifying WiiM of these issues.
I am not sure they will fix them, but I am willing to give them some time to address them. Ultimately many of us are on our 30 day RETURN window and none of us want to keep equipment that is "flaky". If we wanted that we could keep our SONOS devices (haha).

I pray/hope/wish that WiiM addresses this quickly. They might even want to find a way to "jump on a remote meeting" with a system and watch it happen in real time. Sometimes LOGS tell part of the story, but watching it happen usually helps my convince programmers the problem is real and not some USER induced issue.

Everyone on this thread seems competent and aware of technology enough to show to WiiM this is real.. now its about their actions and ability to reproduce, diagnosis and fix a problem. I guess as they say, here's where the rubber hits the road, or the proof is in the pudding, or ...

Thanks to everyone,
Just want to report back to everyone that WiiM seems to have resolved the stopping and skipping from the Tidal streaming, it seems to be fixed in the firmware upgrade.

So make sure you get the latest and greatest just before you send everything back I've never seen a company work so hard to try to make things work as quickly as possible. I really want to give WiiM every chance to be successful.

Their technical team is definitely above average for my experience with this stuff.

Thanks WiiM for caring.