Wiim Ultra with external DAC: what output?

Thank you! Currently my Ultra acts also as Subwoofer mgmt and Pre-AMp. When I use ULTRA volume control, both volume of main speakers and subwoofer change. But If I buy a better DAC and connect it to ULTRA and then DAC to AMP, I guess the volume control may be done by DAC, and volume for SUb will have to be done separately (as it is connected to ULtra).
You can still use the ultra for volume with the new dac just set to full volume.
Not many DACs measure significantly better than the Ultra.
This might very well be true. But a DAC that sounds pleasing to me is more important than how it measures. Not saying measurements are not important. But how a DAC or any component sounds is just as important IMO.
This might very well be true. But a DAC that sounds pleasing to me is more important than how it measures. Not saying measurements are not important. But how a DAC or any component sounds is just as important IMO.
I just use EQ and DAC roll-off filters ;)
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I have a Gustard x26pro and I use the USB input. I did the various comparisons and the USB still seems superior to me... Which model do you have?
I started in August 2024 by outputting digital audio from ULTRA to my RME ADI-2 DAC via a FIIO "audiophile" 50 cm (20 Eur) coaxial cable. Sound was good, but, after about 3 months, the audio signal started to have short pauses (0.5 to 3 seconds). After trying in vain to find the cause, I decided to switch to an ordinary optical cable, which I had somewhere in an old drawer. The hiccups have immediately disappeared. I didn't notice any degradation in the sound and, even more, I lived happily with it, knowing that the optical cable offers galvanic isolation between the streamer and the DAC.
But, as we know, better is sometimes the enemy of good. Today I remembered that WIIM has enabled USB out on WiiM ULTRA and I decided to test it, hoping for even better sound. I used a 3 m USB UGreen cable with gold-plated contacts, which was previously used to output audio from my laptop, in the same setup. Unfortunately, I did not take into account that the cable was 3 m long (and I think this was my biggest mistake). It seems this has generated some clock conflicts between ULTRA and the DAC, with the DAC popping from time to time (about every 2 minutes) while changing the sampling rate from 44.1 to 48 Khz for a few seconds, then back to 44.1.
This issue was totally annoying and, of course, made me think that I must give up the connecting ULTRA to my DAC via USB. Still, because the issue seemed incredible to me, I let the music stream and insisted for some time to check the DAC's menu and settings. After less than 20 minutes, the music stopped and the sound has suddenly reached a very high level, sending my Emotiva amplifier into protection mode, in less than a second. The amplifier has come back to life after a restart, but for my titanium tweeters it was too late. Now I'll have to start a long search, in order to replace either the tweeters or the speakers. Most probably, I will never test USB output again with a 3m cable.