Wiim Ultra with Headphones

The main question is if the Ultra remembers the volume level for when headphones are used vs when line out is used. Could anyone test this?
The main question is if the Ultra remembers the volume level for when headphones are used vs when line out is used. Could anyone test this?
Just tried it. No the volume remains as set by headphones although I seem to remember that there is an option to set volume for each input. I shall look into it. You may want to raise it with wiim if you see it as an issue. Ronnie D
The main question is if the Ultra remembers the volume level for when headphones are used vs when line out is used. Could anyone test this?
Again I have had a quick look there seems to be only an option for input volume per source but can't see anything about output. Ronnie D
I have tried the headphone output and sounds OK to me with a little eq, but it appears that the eq for headphones can only be set in the line out source,is this correct?
I have tried the headphone output and sounds OK to me with a little eq, but it appears that the eq for headphones can only be set in the line out source,is this correct?
Line out is not a source but an output. There currently is no such thing as different EQ per output but just per input.

Are you saying that only EQ settings defined for the line input are applied to the headphone out socket? That wouldn't make any sense and it certainly shouldn't be like that.
do you guys use fixed volume using line level on ultra? Sorry silly question.
Yes, when using an external headphone amp. So PEQ for headphone related correction plus volume limit for headroom plus fixed volume.
Line out is not a source but an output. There currently is no such thing as different EQ per output but just per input.

Are you saying that only EQ settings defined for the line input are applied to the headphone out socket? That wouldn't make any sense and it certainly shouldn't be like that.
That makes sense, of course its an output and not a source:)
I can turn the eq off when listening to the line output and just use the eq for headphones.
My amp has Dirac so eq is not required.
I thought I should clarify something - option (3) in my post above was using the ultra rca out, and I thought (5) using the fiio rca out was much better.
It could therefore be construed that the 'issue' here was the ultra dac stage.
I can only counter that with my comparison with the pro (not plus) analog out vs the ultra analog out into my hegel/paradigm setup, using the ultra rca cables for both.
The Ultra simply blew the pro out of the water. Huge improvement.
i.e. I can't explain why the ultra analog out into my smsl hp amp sounded so bad when the same signal into my hegel sounded so good.
OK, not quite as good as a digital signal into the hegel, but darn good nonetheless.
Ok, a follow up.
As ever, my thoughts / impressions. Feel free to disagree, call bias, profess snake oil.
Whatever you like, as long as it's in your head ;)

My earlier comments in this thread re. Ultra analog out into headphone amps were all with the Ultra supplied rca cables.
However, my ultra had a little surgery today...

I've spent the last couple of hours retesting what was previously a poor combination - ultra analog out into smsl sh9 headphone amp.
The recess around the rca jacks were too small to fit my Nordost analog interconnects.
A power drill here, a grinding tool there, and the tiny holes in the aluminium case are now big enough to fit them.

And it's much better now.
Yes, the proverbial veil has been lifted, and i could listen to this combination for hours now.
Except it's late on a Sunday, so while I have to stop listening now, it also means i won't have to deal with any rebuttals for a while ;)
As I finally arranged my small headphone corner in the bedroom, I was able to spend some time on listening sessions with the Ultra. No measurements this time.
I've used Mogami 2497 and 2534 cables connected to the Topping A90D amp with Hifiman Sundara cans. My headphones were eq'd according to oratory1990 suggestions on the Ultra, with 87% volume limit for a headroom. And the competitor of the Ultra's internal DAC was Holo Audio Spring 3, connected via the USB cable. The one delivered with the DAC. Output levels were matched. I was listening to the female jazz mainly.
I found the sound coming from the Ultra rich, detailed but not fatiguing. It was definitely a pleasure for me. But I had a feeling that it lacks an intimacy level delivered by the Spring 3, which was able to show some subtleness unreachable for the Ultra. Maybe it's just an imagination, I cannot arrange proper blind tests actually to verify it.
Anyway, the Ultra paired with the Spring 3 is my choice for now and I'm extremely satisfied with results.
As I finally arranged my small headphone corner in the bedroom, I was able to spend some time on listening sessions with the Ultra. No measurements this time.
I've used Mogami 2497 and 2534 cables connected to the Topping A90D amp with Hifiman Sundara cans. My headphones were eq'd according to oratory1990 suggestions on the Ultra, with 87% volume limit for a headroom. And the competitor of the Ultra's internal DAC was Holo Audio Spring 3, connected via the USB cable. The one delivered with the DAC. Output levels were matched. I was listening to the female jazz mainly.
I found the sound coming from the Ultra rich, detailed but not fatiguing. It was definitely a pleasure for me. But I had a feeling that it lacks an intimacy level delivered by the Spring 3, which was able to show some subtleness unreachable for the Ultra. Maybe it's just an imagination, I cannot arrange proper blind tests actually to verify it.
Anyway, the Ultra paired with the Spring 3 is my choice for now and I'm extremely satisfied with results.
That dac you have is expensive much more expensive than rme that I’m seeing on your review. How many dac you have? People usually spend this kind money are serious music lover and audiophile fanatics.
That dac you have is expensive much more expensive than rme that I’m seeing on your review. How many dac you have? People usually spend this kind money are serious music lover and audiophile fanatics.
Yeah, I'm a perfect example of an audiophile fanatic ;)
I have 6 DACs probably. And this Holo Audio is important also for measurement purposes.
But I agree, it's expensive. I wouldn't buy it only for measurements. Fortunately it sounds great so no headache on my side.
As I finally arranged my small headphone corner in the bedroom, I was able to spend some time on listening sessions with the Ultra. No measurements this time.
I've used Mogami 2497 and 2534 cables connected to the Topping A90D amp with Hifiman Sundara cans. My headphones were eq'd according to oratory1990 suggestions on the Ultra, with 87% volume limit for a headroom. And the competitor of the Ultra's internal DAC was Holo Audio Spring 3, connected via the USB cable. The one delivered with the DAC. Output levels were matched. I was listening to the female jazz mainly.
I found the sound coming from the Ultra rich, detailed but not fatiguing. It was definitely a pleasure for me. But I had a feeling that it lacks an intimacy level delivered by the Spring 3, which was able to show some subtleness unreachable for the Ultra. Maybe it's just an imagination, I cannot arrange proper blind tests actually to verify it.
Anyway, the Ultra paired with the Spring 3 is my choice for now and I'm extremely satisfied with results.
Maybe it's just an imagination,

The key phrase perhaps 😁?

Maybe it's just an imagination,

The key phrase perhaps 😁?
It's possible, I'm aware of it. Although while I spend more time on listening and comparing I'm also more and more convinced that it is not an illusion.
It's possible, I'm aware of it. Although while I spend more time on listening and comparing I'm also more and more convinced that it is not an illusion.
I won’t doubt considering the cost of that dac. You paying more greater musical separation, greater width and depth, extended decay. I know my terminology maybe just illusion for other people but with good ear and know what to look for you will enjoy music.
Ok, a follow up.
As ever, my thoughts / impressions. Feel free to disagree, call bias, profess snake oil.
Whatever you like, as long as it's in your head ;)

My earlier comments in this thread re. Ultra analog out into headphone amps were all with the Ultra supplied rca cables.
However, my ultra had a little surgery today...

I've spent the last couple of hours retesting what was previously a poor combination - ultra analog out into smsl sh9 headphone amp.
The recess around the rca jacks were too small to fit my Nordost analog interconnects.
A power drill here, a grinding tool there, and the tiny holes in the aluminium case are now big enough to fit them.

And it's much better now.
Yes, the proverbial veil has been lifted, and i could listen to this combination for hours now.
Except it's late on a Sunday, so while I have to stop listening now, it also means i won't have to deal with any rebuttals for a while ;)
The thought of taking a Dremel to the rear panel on the Ultra has crossed my mind a few times.
The thought of taking a Dremel to the rear panel on the Ultra has crossed my mind a few times.
Yep, cover all the other ports for debris, and take it slow and steady!
Naturally it takes the 'paint' off and leaves a shinier looking edge, but it's round the back and probably never seen, especially if it has big, fat leads in it!