Its seems clear to me that the unit probably uses two mono tpa3251 or two tpa3255 in PBTL with PFFB .if now presented like this..
(in any case the product was well finalized... and already well presented)
the wiim teams will finally be able to clarify certain points here...
processing of the analog input (adc?)...
the type of internal dac... ?
the use of the potentiometer? etc.
based on amp pro "simplified" ?
(the rest is a product, which has become quite typical, in 3255 pffb increased in power (tension), compared to the amp pro..which was expected...)
This makes it drive lower impedances in a better way, giving more power. The 3251 has slightly lower distortion than 3255.
This is the lowest IM distortion at 19-20 kHz I have seen with tpa 3251/3255 with PFFB in PBTL.
The volume control is probably to flirt with audiophiles who dont own a WiiM streamer.

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