Audiophilia - where sanity & common sense come to die

He is.. unfortunately way too technical for my understanding :ROFLMAO:... I read his conclusions though.
And boring as hell, I would add 🤣 🤣
I appreciate his approach, although sometime measurements do not tell 100% of the story, like stats in sports. They can't tell you if the game was enjoyable or not.

I understand that not all youtubers are made equal and you may or may not agree with all they say. No need to bash anyone.
I watch a little bit of everyone for my personal enrichment. I find Ron of NRD the most entertaining, for me personally, but it doesn't mean I trust every thing he says.
I used to subscribe, until I discovered that he was a fan of GR Research. 😦
Being "a fan" is a little too soft an accusation, I think. ;) Their businesses are clearly teaming up, pushing each other.

Ron's latest video on speaker placement is nothing but disgusting! It starts with the boss level clickbait title ("this changes everything ..."), goes on with totally ignoring facts like speaker boundary interference response (SBIR), and doesn't end with providing just trivial facts mixed with GR Research advertisement in a way like he was the high priest of a secret church of initiates.

Danny Richie himself may be one of the best examples why we shouldn't trust anybody with an agenda. I regard him as a pretty competent loudspeaker designer and agree with many of the design basics he adheres to. But in the end he doesn't make a living from being a pretty competent designer, Richie's getting rich by selling cheap Chinese drivers as giant killers and building a cult following literally buying into his particular set of boutique parts. He finally lost me when he stated that the most important part of an electrical connection was twisting the wires, the solder would just provide mechanical strength. This is so far from anything remotely scientific, I mostly stopped watching his videos, even just for entertainment.

This is all just opinion, my personal one. I don't even try to provide any facts or evidence to proof anybody wrong. Partly because I'm fed up discussing with flat earthers, partly because I'm must lazy. Everybody is free to not agree with me on whatever I said.
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Isn't this all audiophile business a matter of opinions?
These people don't want to be holders of the truth, they just express opinions. Some may be biased, some may have a profit agenda. We just watch them to collect information and form our own opinion. I don't see the need to classify as "disgusting" a video just because you disagree with its intents.
I watched the beginning of that video and dropped out after 10 minutes because I didn't find it interesting. I did watch many other videos by Ron that were more interesting to me (YMMV). I think Ron, Darko, Steve Huff, Guttemberg and others are all more knowledgeable than most users, and I enjoy listening to their opinion without having to marry one specific line of thoughts or buy a product solely based on what they say.
I feel there's too much irritability towards what is, in fact, a "free service".
Next step may be wanting to charge THEM for the hours we waste watching their crap... 🤣 🤣 🤣 (joking of course)
These people don't want to be holders of the truth, they just express opinions.
I'd be fine with that. But said "this changes everything" video is by no means just expressing an opinion.
Hearing in my right ear is worse than the left - this is the major component of my 'audiophile' system. I think it needs a firmware update 😁

Many years ago I noticed that my ears felt "pressurised", so I went to the doctor.

He diagnosed excessive wax in my ears and syringed them.

That was the single best improvement I have ever made to my hifi, and also by far the cheapest! :)
Ron's latest video on speaker placement is nothing but disgusting! It starts with the boss level clickbait title ("this changes everything ..."), goes on with totally ignoring facts like speaker boundary interference response (SBIR), and doesn't end with providing just trivial facts mixed with GR Research advertisement in a way like he was the high priest of a secret church of initiates.
If that’s the video where he moves his speakers 9 feet forward into the room, I wish I had that luxury…
As in all things there are no real experts, nobody knows it all, just some much more than others and most have a lot of bias they might not even know they have. When it comes to picking audio gear, recipes for food, car repairs, medical care, etc...........I look at as many places I can find, videos, documentaries, books, articles, forums and more then work through them and usually end up with the right decisions and sometimes not as well as at times there does not seem to be any single real truth to be found. Then I still am open to reconsidering as I continue to research and make changes as needed. There is not much we cannot learn if we apply ourselves.

I recall reading some where about a term for "experts", it was called smucksperts, I agree, been one myself at times it seems:)

Hearing is believing...
Obviously this discussion will never end and the ones who are interested in home playback of recorded music will be divided into two camps forever. From my work for audio companies i know the representatives of both sides very well.
Owning expensive amplification and speakers seems to push me into the audiophiliac team and also i don't consider myself as hopelessly addicted, i really like these people because they have retained something childlike about them.
Irrationality and curiosity is wonderful... don't stop dreaming!