Chromecast keeps disconnecting

What is the Google Cast version number on the Ultra? It is 1.56. on the Pro.
Is the problem only with Plex or also with the rest of the Chromecast launchers?
I've had problems with VLC and Plexamp through Chromecast and intermittendly with Chrome browser casting (fine with Youtube, fails with Plex), but not with BBC Sounds, so it seems like its some combination of the implementation in the mobile / web app and on the Wiim Ultra that's failing.

For info - as a workaround for Plexamp, you can make your Plex server DLNA enabled (Settings, DLNA, check the "Enable the DLNA Server" box), and then access your Plex library through the Home Music Share option in the Wiim App. Interface is clunky, but works and has no streaming issues (for me at least)
I have periodic transient disconnection of Chromecast from my Ultra while streaming Qobuz, both directly from the Qobuz Android app and through Roon. The amount of playtime before each disconnection varies greatly.

When Ultra drops the Roon Chromecast connection, the endpoint icon will briefly disappear with the message "Select an audio zone". Then Ultra will reconnect with playback paused. Less often in the middle of a track playback will skip to the next track.

I haven't been able to catch what happens with the Qobuz Android app, but I assume it's a similar transient disconnection sequence.

WiiM Support advised me to use Ultra as a Roon Ready endpoint until the problem is fixed. I'm OK with that if there's high confidence that a fix will be relesased soon, but that's totally unsatisfactory if this drags on much longer. WiiM needs to communicate regularly and openly on this forum about how the issue is being addressed.

My fear is that the fix must come from Google and it's most likely a very low priority if the issue is specific to Ultra. Or worse, in the end no fix is possible.

WiiM continues to sell Ultra as a Chromecase device. We deserve more than being told it's a Google SDK issue, please wait...