Could someone please explain how Fosi amps work?


Here are the ingredients for good sound in order of importance (from most important to less important). All my own personal experience. Others will see it similarly or completely differently.

1. the quality of the recording. By this I expressly do NOT mean hi-res or not.
2. the sound quality of the playback room and how the speakers are placed there.
3. the quality of the speakers. This is by far the most important aspect of the technical system. If you are starting out, invest most of your budget in really good speakers. If you want to significantly improve an already decent chain, this will also only work with even better loudspeakers.
4. the quality of the amplifier and how well it harmonises with the speakers. Here, too, it usually pays off to spend a little more money.
5. the DAC. Opinions often differ here. Some prefer R2R DACs, others Delta Sigma. Modern amplifiers often have decent DACs built in, so you don't necessarily need an external device.
6. Nothing for a long time
7. all the other stuff like cables, power supplies etc.

Interestingly, most of the ‘voodoo’ discussions centre on the most insignificant points.
As I said before: All my personal opinion and experience. YMMV!
Thank you for taking the time to write this it’s much appreciated. It does align with what I’d assumed/hoped was the case but wasn’t sure and you really can get sucked into the ‘I need new gear’ mindset.

I’ve decided to get my new Dali Oberon 5’s set up with my existing WiiM Amp and see how it goes. If I still feel the need to upgrade the front end in a month or two, I’ll probably take a look at the new WiiM Amp Pro as that should be available in the UK by then.

Thanks again