DLNA - No playlist options except 1 track? What about album? Artist?


Jul 20, 2024
I'm finding that the features for the local media server storage are very limited in terms of playlist development.

Seems like an only add one track at a time to a playlist which is taking us back to 1979.

Everyone knows there are very good examples including tidal another services that have learned the very simple structure of don't restrict how things work but rather make everything work the same.

If I want to add an album it should be the same as if I want to add an artist and it should be the same if I want to add a track.

Make the software the same make it simple and you will have the most powerful tool on the market.

If you start adding features one at a time it just bores all of us people that have seen how things could be done in other applications and other platforms and it is frustrating to see that it takes 10 years to redevelop something that's already existed for 10 years.

The concept of playlist is very universal and very simple and should be working as a base function and something like whim that is trying to provide local media service playback.

For now I will try to use media monkey which is my media server to make these playlists but that same functionality should just simply exist in anything playing media today.
