Hi all, so i have a wiim pro+
I have seen eq options on. What is better to use? Graphic eq or peq?
My speakers are kef r500 with arendal 1723 1s subwoofer. Its been calibrated a couple of years by someone. This calibration was done with audessy on an avr.
However i question myself if i can improve this even further with the eq options on the wiim. The reason i want to eq, is to improve the mids especially the vocals. Want to let it come more forward en perhaps somewhat “warmer” if thats possible.. maybe im digging a rabbit hole idk. Note that im never eq’ed before. Ive made a screenshot of the calibration from couple years back and a screenshot of what i might think the speakers needed of the peq in the wiim. Could you let me know if im on the right track or if im way off?
Whats the Q stands for btw? Its standard set on 0.25.

I have seen eq options on. What is better to use? Graphic eq or peq?
My speakers are kef r500 with arendal 1723 1s subwoofer. Its been calibrated a couple of years by someone. This calibration was done with audessy on an avr.
However i question myself if i can improve this even further with the eq options on the wiim. The reason i want to eq, is to improve the mids especially the vocals. Want to let it come more forward en perhaps somewhat “warmer” if thats possible.. maybe im digging a rabbit hole idk. Note that im never eq’ed before. Ive made a screenshot of the calibration from couple years back and a screenshot of what i might think the speakers needed of the peq in the wiim. Could you let me know if im on the right track or if im way off?
Whats the Q stands for btw? Its standard set on 0.25.