
I got some as a present from my uncle in my childhood, late 70s. With yellow foam. They were really good! Unfortunately, the foam pads had disintegrated into their constituent parts...I can't remember the model either. Once a Sennheiser, always a Sennheiser 😉
I had the cheap HD400 back then. Nest model up was HD414X I think, both with the yellow foam.
I got some as a present from my uncle in my childhood, late 70s. With yellow foam. They were really good! Unfortunately, the foam pads had disintegrated into their constituent parts...I can't remember the model either. Once a Sennheiser, always a Sennheiser 😉
I had the yellow foam ones!
My first pair of Sennheiser headphones were the HD424 X, and they lasted for many years until the yellow foam pads disintegrated. At this time, I couldn't source any replacement pads, so they ended up being thrown away.

It seems that replacements are now available. :rolleyes:
In the record store, we pulled two handheld headphones out of the counter, which were also from Sennheiser... Plus the tangetial turntable on which we could slide the tonearm to the desired position...
I grew up with (in? under?) my dad's Sennheiser HD424.

These days I use a pair of Senneiser HD 580 Precision in my home office, driven by the excellent little Topping DX1 USB headphone amp.
In the WiiM Ultra living room setup I have a Topping L30 headphone amp connected to line out, driving a pair of Beyerdynamic 1770 Pro.
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I grew up with (in? under?) my dad's Sennheiser HD424.
View attachment 18508

These days I use a pair of Senneiser HD 580 Precicion in my home office, driven by the excellent little Topping DX1 USB headphone amp.
In the WiiM Ultra living room setup I have a Topping L30headphone amp connected to line out, driving a pair of Beyerdynamic 1770 Pro.
They were the type that I had, but mine were the X model, I'm not sure what the difference was.
Which current headphones would you consider buying and why?

In the market... More or less 😂
I wonder how the Fiio FT1 or FT1 pro would sound.
Great headphones for an excellent price I assume.