Integrating Music Services (Poll)

WiiM Team

WiiM Admin
Staff member
Oct 19, 2022
Hi all, We're taking a poll to see what new music services you'd like to see integrated. Please fill out the form below to submit.

Upvote 5
Guess we’ve gone from a couple to a few, but I agree we need some more to get to many ;)
Maybe a quasi browser interface for music sites that don't publish a URL you can enter in "Open Network Stream" but also don't need a login, eg Radio Garden took me to, who do publish a link to their Play Now page but you then have to click on Play to start it playing. WiiM Home would let you press that Play button. I guess sites like this can usually be played thru TuneIn, but all the ads when the stream begins are so irritating that I don't bother.
Some kind of integration with VRadio would be fantastic. While speaking of it, I have a question.
When I select the chromecast icon in VRadio app I'm presented with two casting choices:
Chromecast icon and the other one that looks like a little speaker. Both named as Wiim pro-BED4.
What is that?
They both play on wiim from my phone.
They have different casting icons in wiim app.
Check it at another thread:
Some kind of integration with VRadio would be fantastic. While speaking of it, I have a question.
When I select the chromecast icon in VRadio app I'm presented with two casting choices:
Chromecast icon and the other one that looks like a little speaker. Both named as Wiim pro-BED4.
What is that?
They both play on wiim from my phone.
They have different casting icons in wiim app.
Check it at another thread:
When you select the cast icon, I guess it’s showing both Chromecast devices and DLNA/UPnP renderers given it only shows one entry for my WiiM Mini which doesn’t support Chromecast just UPnP, while my Chromecast devices and groups show twice, so for my Pro I get three target devices. The developer needs to use different icons to show which is which - while the speaker icon seems to indicate a Chromecast target (twice), they use the same rectangular icon for UPnP devices and Chromecast groups. Sloppy…
When you select the cast icon, I guess it’s showing both Chromecast devices and DLNA/UPnP renderers given it only shows one entry for my WiiM Mini which doesn’t support Chromecast just UPnP, while my Chromecast devices and groups show twice, so for my Pro I get three target devices. The developer needs to use different icons to show which is which - while the speaker icon seems to indicate a Chromecast target (twice), they use the same rectangular icon for UPnP devices and Chromecast groups. Sloppy…
For UPnP, at least, the host should actually provide the icons, in different sizes. I assume ChromeCast works the same way. For your WiiM, the PNG 48x48 icon is here:

http://<Your WiiM IP>:49152/upnp/grender-48x48.png

There is also a 120x120 version, and both are also available in the jpg format.

The client app is free to use these, or to use their own icons. LMS, for example, allows you to select from a list of icons.
Have you enabled it for display ?
Click on tha Manage button to see a list of all available services
Have you enabled it for display ?
Click on tha Manage button to see a list of all available services
Hi jfbuk, thank you for answering. It’s not in the list of available services to be managed either…
Where in the world are you and what version of the Wiim app are you using ?
I am in the UK
Soundcloud is in the list of services on both my Pro & Mini

If you’re on a mobile or tablet device, try deleting and re installing the app
Hi Burnside, I tried deleting and reinstalling the Wiim Home app, but no change. Perhaps it could be a region-issue, as I live in Europe