"But is it really that big of a problem?
I mean to take the phone out?"
I've always hated having to rely on the phone for every, single, freaking, thing.... I think this is a major problem with Multi Room audio and has been.... The reliance on the cell phone and lack of a >>DEDICATED DEVICE TO CONTROL THE RADIO<<
It's like, would you use your phone to heat up something in the microwave? Or use the phone turn on water at the sink???
I have 5 people in my home... None of them control the music because they don't know how or even care to know how.... They don't want to sit there and fiddle with the app & Spotify and grouping,etc.... It goes on, you guys know this. Just turn on music, move on... Even voice control is problematic...
Working, physical buttons are important as well as less reliance on the damn phone....