LMS/Squeezelite Support Mini


Oct 31, 2022
Moving this here from the thread at the old forum (https://faq-mini.wiimhome.com/support/discussions/topics/72000741459?page=1)

I quote cc, who started that:

<< There are thousands of Logitech Media Server users out there, with a very active forum dedicated to its use. It would be great if Squeezelite support were added to the WiiM Mini to make it a native LMS client, with the full feature set.
https://github.com/ralph-irving/squeezelite >>

There was a suggestion from Wiim Support that LMS was already useable via UPnP/DLNA, which is true, but using that is quite techy and beyond many customers. Captain Paranoia put it well at the old forum:

<< I think the reply from 'WiiM Support' misses the point; WiiM will be accessible via LMS using the UPnP/DLNA, Chromecast or Airplay plugins, but not via the LMS SlimProto protocl, which supports multi-room casting. Since Squeezelite is an open source implementation of the SlimProto renderer, it would seem a fairly easy win to deploy to the WiiM.>>

So, Wiim Support, can you make implementation of LMS/Squeezelite a priority, please, both on the Mini and the upcoming Pro? And personally, It would be interesting to hear Wiim's current plans for this before I buy either of these (great seeming) products.
Upvote 21
+1 for lms, for me WiiM would be complete with it.

Currently using a Pi running PiCorePlayer.
+1 just registered to add a vote for WiiM as a native LMS endpoint.

No doubt, I'll keep my Squeezebox v3 Classic sitting right next to the WiiM Pro for nostalgia (just as I still have all of my vinyl records). But I purchase more WiiM devices to distribute throughout the house as soon as Sqeezelite is added.
Today I received my WiiM Pro and while I thought LMS looked like a promising alternative for Plexamp, I'm a bit disappointed. No gapless and it won't even play the next track. I'm streaming to the WiiM using the UPnP/DLNA bridge plugin (v2.1.12.11), with the default settings (gapless enabled). What's going on here? I read a few comments of people who seemed to have this combo working flawlessly 😀
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I see on the roadmap that there was a target for inclusion of LMS integration on the 1/31 release. Just curious if anyone can confirm if this has happened or if there is a new ETA. I'm about to click buy on my Amazon order and this is a key feature for my use case.
Wactuarry, where do you see a roadmap with that date for LMS/Squeezelite? This roadmap of Wiim's...
... has it in the undated and vague-sounding "Future updates/New Feature section". But then it also has four "Updates to be released by..." sections that have gone well past their dates. All a but puzzling.
I see on the roadmap that there was a target for inclusion of LMS integration on the 1/31 release. Just curious if anyone can confirm if this has happened or if there is a new ETA. I'm about to click buy on my Amazon order and this is a key feature for my use case.
I am afraid that is still listed under "future updates" only with no hard date

Wiim Mini Roadmap - https://wiim.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/72000586625-wiim-mini-roadmap
WiiM Pro Roadmap - https://wiim.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/72000586624-wiim-pro-roadmap
Oh, never mind. I misread that page. I missed the "future updates" and thought that was part of the 1/31 target. My bad.
Just ordered two to slot in and compliment my whole house LMS setup. Starting to loose a few Squeezeboxes so a new client would be great. Looking forward to using the inputs to pipe my TV audio into the kitchen bench speakers so I can hear whats going on !
Got my WiiM Mini today, looking forward to getting it hooked up into my LMS system as well (currently 6 zones, a mix of Raspberry Pi/Hifi Berry and original hardware). Been rocking squeezeboxen since the early 00's!
My guess from what has been posted elsewhere is that Roon integration is out of the Wiim team's hands now. What a good time to make what I understand to be the relatively easy move to integrate LMS/Squeezelite! There are many of us waiting for this, Wiim Support, as it would open up the Pro (and I imagine the Mini as well) to so much more functionality.
My guess from what has been posted elsewhere is that Roon integration is out of the Wiim team's hands now. What a good time to make what I understand to be the relatively easy move to integrate LMS/Squeezelite! There are many of us waiting for this, Wiim Support, as it would open up the Pro (and I imagine the Mini as well) to so much more functionality.
Yeah, especially as I’m going round in circles with the latest version of UPNPbridge and piCoreplayer - was fine before the latest update to the former. I’ve had to run up LMS on my PC until I figure out why it’s constantly crashing.
After almost a year of waiting for RPi prices to come back to earth, and supplies to replenish, I decided “screw it” and went with WiiM Mini.

Loving it so far…not loving the way multi-CD sets with the same title don’t display in Disc order via DLNA, but that’s for a different thread.

I’m here to throw in on Squeezelite support. It’s what I was going to get the RPi for, to use with LMS, iPeng, etc.

But PLEASE add it to the Mini! I only see it as a future feature add to the Pro. Hope I’m missing something.