Multi-Room WiiM Ultra ready to take over from Sonos and Bluesound.

I don’t think it’s possible in the manner you describe as the first device is acting as the receiver and then distributor of the audio when you later add another device. It may be something to ask WiiM to consider when they implement their persistent group feature - maybe that will have an option to move the audio from a group of devices to a single device.
I have just ordered a mini for more experiments. So far I got synched radio in all rooms up and running (I hate the Alexa App by the way - thousands of buttons and no clear rules), so maybe I change only the Sonos:1 in the bathroom to some Alexa-device. Perhaps I have to hurry, the Sonos Connect are dying faster and faster and in my part of Germany it is next to impossible to find a shop which could repair any electronic device. A pity, but who will repair anything today, if buy a new part cost more ore less the same?