Power supply voltage range


New member
Jul 21, 2024

I'm returning from vacations and will connect my new Pro+ for the first time.

Issue : I don't have no more available plugs on my system distribution bar, so I'm thinking to use 6 volt dry motorcycle battery for powering the Wiim.

I'm aware that this type of battery can be 6.3 Volts right after charging, as slightly less than 5 Volts after long use without charging.

I still use a Power Bank on the Wiim Mini, but disliking the need of frequent recharge need (more often with the Pro+, I believe).

Wiim states 5v/1,5A.
Per my experience with other brands of devices (streamers and dac's) , there are always a range of acceptable Voltages without compromising the correct operation, neither degrade the electronics over time.

Do somebody has experience with different voltages on Wiim? Or acceptable voltage ranges?

Thanks in advance