My Ultra tests

Well they are meaningless adjectives. How fat is fat bass? I've no idea. We're back in the world of nonsense YouTube reviews.
You’re the only reader who can’t understand. That’s your problem or go back to school to learn.
You’re the only reader who can’t understand. That’s your problem or go back to school to learn.
Please keep it civil, there's no need to resort to that silly response.
Think about the point I'm making, you cannot use your ears to inform mine without some arbitrary reference. This thread is literally titled Wiim tests, not subjective opinion.
Please keep it civil, there's no need to resort to that silly response.
Think about the point I'm making, you cannot use your ears to inform mine without some arbitrary reference. This thread is literally titled Wiim tests, not subjective opinion.
Because you’re asking how fat is fat bass? What’s fat to me maybe extreme to you. Anyway, when topic become objective and subjective it tend to become unhealthy topic as it could set someone on fire of frustration.
You may or may not agree with me but that’s ok we’re all different and respect you on your opinion. Anyway, let’s get back to the OP topic.
We can absolutely agree on that.

Personally I still avoid using the term synergy just because the number of exceptions is so much smaller than the number of combinations that work together just well. I hope that my previous posting didn't come across too harsh.

Having said that, I'm not talking against the concept of finding and matching components for best results.
I heard synergy all over the place saying if you have bright sounding speaker you should get warm sounding amp to get synergy of neutral sound.
I heard synergy all over the place saying if you have bright sounding speaker you should get warm sounding amp to get synergy of neutral sound.
The PEQ shelving function in the ultra can compensate for some of that, making the Ultra as a digital preamp suitable for different amplifiers.
+- 1 dB from 3 kHz can make big differences.

I have tried to have the whole chain of hifi-gear picked by very good measurements, high SINAD and speakers with perfect directivity ( Genelec SAM ) .

Problem was I stopped listening to music because the sound wasnt fun any more, there were no real illusions of real musicians playing together . The music didnt sound musical any more.

So, my conclusion after that sad adventure with ASR star products is this: by combining different gear and listen critical, one can have a much greater sounding hifi and much more enjoyment from the music in the end.
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