Powering WiiM Pro Plus with a power bank


Jan 24, 2024
Hi all
This might have been discussed elsewhere - or be common knowledge - but I’ve started using my mobile power bank to power the WiiM Pro Plus. (And then ensuring the power bank is charged up via the mains overnight).
It does seem to sound better! Though this might be my brain tricking me.
Has anyone else experienced this?
There’s a lot of confirmation bias in some tweaks people apply to their system, but at the end of the day if it pleases you that’s ultimately all that matters.
The power bank just ran out of juice. I’ve plugged the WiiM pro plus back into the wall socket. I’ll just pretend that I didn’t think it sounded better with the power bank. Which it turns out is a massively inconvenient way of powering the WPP 😂
Hi all
This might have been discussed elsewhere - or be common knowledge - but I’ve started using my mobile power bank to power the WiiM Pro Plus. (And then ensuring the power bank is charged up via the mains overnight).
It does seem to sound better! Though this might be my brain tricking me.
Has anyone else experienced this?
you might not be imagining things... If it makes you feel any better - people like Rob Watt (from chord electronics) seems to agree with you that batteries are the best source of clean power for most systems. instead he recommends a lead acid CAR BATTERY tho! 🤣

(sorry for spamming this video in every thread i'm on it just explains a LOT - i promise you i don't work for Chord ;) )
you might not be imagining things... If it makes you feel any better - people like Rob Watt (from chord electronics) seems to agree with you that batteries are the best source of clean power for most systems. instead he recommends a lead acid CAR BATTERY tho! 🤣

(sorry for spamming this video in every thread i'm on it just explains a LOT - i promise you i don't work for Chord ;) )
I was just about to ask that - five(?) posts of this in half an hour is a bit OTT…
Yeah, the little wishbone share icon in the comment header allows you to copy its URL which you can then past directly into a comment elsewhere or insert using the link icon in the comment ‘toolbar’
you might not be imagining things... If it makes you feel any better - people like Rob Watt (from chord electronics) seems to agree with you that batteries are the best source of clean power for most systems. instead he recommends a lead acid CAR BATTERY tho! 🤣

(sorry for spamming this video in every thread i'm on it just explains a LOT - i promise you i don't work for Chord ;) )
Thank you. I really miss this good old Youtube when vids were shaky and pixelated and people actually knew stuff they're talking about.
Hi all
This might have been discussed elsewhere - or be common knowledge - but I’ve started using my mobile power bank to power the WiiM Pro Plus. (And then ensuring the power bank is charged up via the mains overnight).
It does seem to sound better! Though this might be my brain tricking me.
Has anyone else experienced this?

I use a powerbank with my Mini/Mojo2. Def sounds better than using the USB charger I was using.
Ummm my old Boss from Rob Watts DPA digital in Cardiff minus the beard haha

its quiet obvious that Batteries will be better…Hifi freaks have been using this method for a long-time or the mouse on the wheel affair

The humble PSU has a difficult job!

I will say this I spent a longtime working on this stuff and repairing hifi and lot of music equipment PAs etc... which moved from linear PSUs to SMPS and the latter on paper is great it was light in weight - used less power, ultimately it was cheaper to manufacture vs a big lumpy xformer, however sounded thin and weedy compared to linear and in most cases whereby SMPS modules were used sustained damaged they did not last being driven too hard when you consider they were driving power stages so did not have the dynamics like a linear could unleash and essentially choked to death and gave up this is a common trait with power amps

Less demanding equipment aka Low current / voltage demanding kit, I would say you have other variables to deal with positioning of the xformer and the associated circuit design …like a lot of us most would hide the stuff out of sight and this may pick up some random/stray RF or other airborne EMI this intern will manifest itself to the outputs making for a awful listening experience not necessarily the PSUs fault if adjacent to another power source

I personally use a late 80s Pioneer dual Monoblock integrated amp from pioneer it weighs 20Kg no SMPS in sight copper chassis and unique honeycomb design separate power stages nicely screened and isolated etc...with nice select components
Point being you have to spend a lot cash these days do get something that's well designed & sounds good and will stand the test of time

I'm sticking with my power bank...as we were heading towards the realm of snake oil territory 🐍

I do use a power con for all my TV/audio equipment nothing too expensive think it cost around €100 I have a furman conditioner in my guitar rack without it I have radio Moscow making its way through due to a abundance of digital and analog stuff in the rack....so you have to suck it up in some cases I will say the Power Con does make a difference however small I get zero noise on my HiFi take care of positioning and routing of cables it does make a difference

Here is a great opportunity for someone or WiiM to design a upgraded offering with a abundance of technical supporting blurb that can convince nearly all off us😎:unsure:
Here is a great opportunity for someone or WiiM to design a upgraded offering with a abundance of technical supporting blurb that can convince nearly all off us😎:unsure:
Welcome to the forum. Spend some time here (or browse thru old posts) and you’ll see that your hope of something “that can convince nearly all of us” is rather forlorn - at times, it’s easier to get consensus that the moon is made of cheese ;):(
I can wholeheartedly say that powering an Audio device with a powerbank can have benefits.

I use a Raspberry Pi Zero W piggy backed onto a powerbank coupled with an Audioquest Dragonfly. It lets me use my wired headphones with HiRes audio in a portable manner. The powerbank doesn't make the SQ any better at all but it lets me walk around while I listen.
Back to the thread topic ...

it is undisputed that a clean and powerful PSU can improve the sound (depending on the internal noise and ripple rejection circuits of the sound device). Theoretically for our WiiM pros and minis, a native 5V powerful battery would be the best, a supercheap weak switching wall mount will be the worst, if your device and your ears are sensitive.

Nowadays power banks are based on Li-Ion cell technics (3,7V), which do not natively deliver the needed 5V current. They use electronic circuits which are based on cutting and synthesize the power at their operating frequency to the 5V, which may influence the power "quality". Therefore, power banks can improve or worsen the sound a little bit.
Back to the thread topic ...

it is undisputed that a clean and powerful PSU can improve the sound (depending on the internal noise and ripple rejection circuits of the sound device). Theoretically for our WiiM pros and minis, a native 5V powerful battery would be the best, a supercheap weak switching wall mount will be the worst, if your device and your ears are sensitive.

Nowadays power banks are based on Li-Ion cell technics (3,7V), which do not natively deliver the needed 5V current. They use electronic circuits which are based on cutting and synthesize the power at their operating frequency to the 5V, which may influence the power "quality". Therefore, power banks can improve or worsen the sound a little bit.
Fair point for me my situation work! what might me interesting is to grab a few other power banks in the same spec region and compare I have a few laying around in the house think the kids have some... as it stands this is a better option than the OEM SMPS without off loading a heap of cash on some super propriety upgrade I was shocked when I looked at some of the prices of linear supplies as prior to buying the WiiM I did look at the Node with PSU upgrade. I think I need to install spice and start running some sims
I use the below and by no means am I suggesting you do the same ! I would look at the parameters in detail and select a brand that specialize in this tech not happy shopper stuff research is the key it can also be view like a car they all do the same but some are more efficient etc...

ANSMANN 1700-0154

Power Bank Charger, 2 Port, 10 Ah, 3 A
