Room Correction... I like it!


Active member
Dec 4, 2023
Midwest US
I'm a simple audio person and have played around with PEQ settings and had it setup to what sounded good to me.
Along comes Room Correction and I gave it a try. The resulting curve is something that I would have never setup manually, but I have to say I really like the way it sounds. I was very skeptical given my ancient history with a 10 band equalizer and the LP for setting the gains. Never was able to get a pleasing sound following the LP settings.
Now to the auto room correction, just coming here to say how simple it is and that the result is pleasing.
That's saying a lot considering the tinnitus I have and the constant scream of Cicadas I hear 24/7.
So, thanks.
This post could have come from myself, I made exactly the same experience - played with the EQ before, then tried room correction and got a curve that I would never have created by myself. And it sounds better.


The result is better than I had with Dirac measurement with the NAD M10v2 btw.

That was my manuel curve before I used room measurement:

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This post could have come from myself, I made exactly the same experience - played with the EQ before, then tried room correction and got a curve that I would never have created by myself. And it sounds better.

View attachment 8385

The result is better than I had with Dirac measurement with the NAD M10v2 btw.

That was my manuel curve before I used room measurement:

View attachment 8386
Wiim secret sauce.
This post could have come from myself, I made exactly the same experience - played with the EQ before, then tried room correction and got a curve that I would never have created by myself. And it sounds better.

View attachment 8385

The result is better than I had with Dirac measurement with the NAD M10v2 btw.

That was my manuel curve before I used room measurement:

View attachment 8386
I need to figure out how to post a pic of my curve, but it's just about an inverse of your first one. My manual one had a bump around 1k
Interesting!! Do you have a room with little dampening that sounds bright? So that the Room Correction reduces the high frequencies?
I have the itch to spend on mic to attach on iPhone to see if there’s significant difference between iPhone mic and external, any recommendation?
iPhone mics are reportedly within 2dB. Looking at actual room curves, it seem silly not to at least try the phone approach.

Off by 2dB in the bass seems minor.
Interesting!! Do you have a room with little dampening that sounds bright? So that the Room Correction reduces the high frequencies?
It's a large room with high ceilings. Likely a lot of reflections I would guess. It doesn't sound bright to me, but I'm not sure if I can hear those frequencies anyway. Big dip at 10k and then back up.
It's a large room with high ceilings. Likely a lot of reflections I would guess. It doesn't sound bright to me, but I'm not sure if I can hear those frequencies anyway. Big dip at 10k and then back up.
That dip starts at 2kHz though. It must sound a lot different with and without EQ.
This post could have come from myself, I made exactly the same experience - played with the EQ before, then tried room correction and got a curve that I would never have created by myself. And it sounds better.

View attachment 8385

The result is better than I had with Dirac measurement with the NAD M10v2 btw.

That was my manuel curve before I used room measurement:

View attachment 8386
kinda insane though - +9.5dB in the 40Hz region? 🤯 do you have a subwoofer in your setup?
No, but interestingly I just compared the EQ setting from Room EQ with no EQ at all and the difference is only subtle. It sounds much better with EQ, but it’s only subtle changes that make it better.

It’s not that when I turn on EQ that I feel there is lots more bass. 93Hz is also -10db which might counter the +9,5db at 40Hz. I don’t really know.

It’s more that the sound gets more depth with the EQ turned on which sounds much better. It‘s really good what the WiiM has created for me.
No, but interestingly I just compared the EQ setting from Room EQ with no EQ at all and the difference is only subtle. It sounds much better with EQ, but it’s only subtle changes that make it better.

It’s not that when I turn on EQ that I feel there is lots more bass. 93Hz is also -10db which might counter the +9,5db at 40Hz. I don’t really know.

It’s more that the sound gets more depth with the EQ turned on which sounds much better. It‘s really good what the WiiM has created for me.
fair enough, thanks for sharing your experience. maybe the EQ is just responding to your setup's lack of lower end? are you using floorstanders??

it's just that most songs these days with compression etc - they don't even have a dynamic range of 10 dB... many are around 5-7. so i dunno - it seems kinda insane to me to be modifying the source material to that extent by using EQ.

granted i'm not one of those anal "as the artist intended" people (cos what does that even mean? :LOL: ) but still. seems a bit excessive... 🤔
What happens if you do an auto RC and then do another auto RC using the first auto RC curve?
Does RC even use an existing curve, or does it always start with a flat curve? I tried doubling up like that and there were some changes and I'm not certain I liked the result as much as the initial auto RC.
What happens if you do an auto RC and then do another auto RC using the first auto RC curve?
Does RC even use an existing curve, or does it always start with a flat curve? I tried doubling up like that and there were some changes and I'm not certain I liked the result as much as the initial auto RC.
You can choose between 3 curves: B&K, Harman and Flat
Oh wow, this RC curve is different than the other one using UMIK-1 and HouseCurve but I like it!