Room correction - is there a WiiM backend issue?

Following a post on the WiiM Fan Page on Facebook, I can’t get by the first “next” prompt on the Room Correction page for my iPad and android app for any of my devices as well.

@WiiM Support , @WiiM Team , @RyanWithWiim - is there an issue with your backend servers that are used for elements of room correction?
I had this earlier today but after rebooting my ultra and phone it started working again
In fact I just tried a RC before posting this and it worked
Same issue here. Rebooted unit and software. It worked fine last week and to my knowledge there have been no firm or software updates.
Same issue here. Rebooted unit and software. It worked fine last week and to my knowledge there have been no firm or software updates.
It became evident during beta testing that backend WiiM servers are involved in the room correction process as the algorithm was changed at one point without local firmware or app changes, hence my mention of backend servers in my opening post.
Hi all! I've checked in with the team and they suggested if you're having trouble completing the room correction, rebooting the device may help, and if it's still giving you trouble, try playing something in that room, such as streaming from Spotify.

Also, those wires are going to haunt me for the rest of the day... thanks for that.
Room Correction didn't work beyond the first 'next' screen when I tried earlier (WiiM Ultra) so I closed the app (iPhone), reopened & started playing music, then tried again & it worked correctly.
Hey all, the team found an issue that they've resolved which could have been causing these intermittent failures.

If you still haven't been able to complete the Room Correction, go ahead and test it out now and let us know and let us know how it goes.
Hey all, the team found an issue that they've resolved which could have been causing these intermittent failures.

If you still haven't been able to complete the Room Correction, go ahead and test it out now and let us know and let us know how it goes.
I am on the beta for individual channel room correction. That doesn't work anymore with the Android app from 20th September. I can't choose L/R correction. Someone suggested it no longer works with a subwoofer but that would be ridiculous. What is going on?