Test WIIM pro+ with different power supplies

I'm always disappointed to hear the word 'better' used in the context of this hobby, all personal preferences should be respected (I have owned and enjoyed a wide variety of various analogue, digital, transistor and valve based systems since the mid 1970's).

'Different' is a less controversial word which reflects individual taste - I also happen to prefer spicy food to plain, music to sport, documentary to drama but that shouldn't imply my choices are superior to someone else's.
I vote for "better" in the context of measurements.
If the WiiM Pro Plus required a better power supply, WiiM would have provided it in the box, or available for purchase. It's simple as that.
I would've guessed they would also try to not to offer a product that's not too expensive. Apparently they offer only the best. Good to know. Thank you.