Turntable not very loud, recommendations if Phono Preamp may help?


New member
Jul 28, 2024
Hi Community, seeking advice...

My setup: 1. WiiM Amp, 2. Audio-Technika AT-LPW40WN turntable, 3. B&W 607 S2 speakers.

Everything works just fine, and via AirPlay and digital sources I can get "party loud" volume, but turntable volume, with the turntable set to Phono output and using the built in phono stage, it's just not very loud, even at full volume.

Would setting the turntable to line output and adding a Phono Preamp boost the signal?

Recommendations on Phono Preamps?

Any other solutions or recommendations?

Thanks for your assistance!

First of all: you need to feed a line-level signal into the WiiM Amp's aux input. A phono signal coming directly from a turntable without a built-in preamp would not give you good results because the level is too low and it lacks the RIAA correction (your records will sound very harsh and thin, lacking a lot of bottom end).

Here you're are contradicting yourself a little bit :)
with the turntable set to Phono output and using the built in phono stage
When the turntable is set to "Phono", you're actually bypassing its built-in preamp. You need to set it to "Line" so it'll use the the built-in preamp to bring the signal up to line-level, suited to connect to the aux input of the WiiM Amp. No additional external preamp necessary.

Give it a try and let us know your findings :)
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Thanks for the reply! Yes, you are correct, I had my terminology wrong, the turntable is indeed set to Line Output, so that is clear... but same issue with volume. Any thoughts on how to best proceed from here?

I’m troubled by the lack of discussion of sound quality. Phono requires significant equalization, and line does not.

The switch setting should radically alter the sound.

What brand and model turntable,and cartridge. Do you have any documentation?

Is that it?

Pre-amp “PHONO”: 4.0 mV nominal at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec
Pre-amp “LINE”: 200 mV nominal at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec

200 mv is a bit on the low side for line output, but shouldn’t be a problem.
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I’m troubled by the lack of discussion of sound quality. Phono requires significant equalization, and line does not.

The switch setting should radically alter the sound.

What brand and model turntable,and cartridge. Do you have any documentation?

Is that it?

200 mv is a bit on the low side for line output, but shouldn’t be a problem.
Yes, that is the turntable.
So should I read your answer to mean that a separate Phono Preamp with (significantly) more than 200 mv power output may increase volume?
So should I read your answer to mean that a separate Phono Preamp with (significantly) more than 200 mv power output may increase volume?
The line input sensitivity of the WiiM amp is ~2 Volts, which means 2000 mV. So, it's integrated power amp will only reach maximum output power when fed said 2 Volts. Your turntables built-in phono Pre-amp is far from that.

Two possible options (keeping the TT):
1. Buy an external phono pre with sufficient gain, thus output voltage.
2. Buy a line level booster that can be set to 15 to 20 dB gain.

Unfortunately, I don't have any clear recommendations from the tip of my head.
So should I read your answer to mean that a separate Phono Preamp with (significantly) more than 200 mv power output may increase volume?

I don't see why it's not ok with the record player set to "phono" as that has a built in stage
I don't see why it's not ok with the record player set to "phono" as that has a built in stage


Set to "phono" you get an unamplified signal without the RIAA curve correction. That needs to be fed into a dedicated phono preamp or an amplfier with a built-in phono stage.
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One will be low volume the other should be at a level acceptable in a regular line level source.

If you've tried both it's possible the built in phono stage is faulty.
One will be low volume the other should be at a level acceptable in a regular line level source.

If you've tried both it's possible the built in phono stage is faulty.
It could just need more gain to match other inputs. 200mV is low.
An external phono preamp with a volume control might be ideal. Something like the ART Precision Phono Pre:
Let's stop that discussion about the setting of the built-in phono pre-amp. @gethen has long clarified that the wording was wrong but the setting was correct. Heck, he even did included a picture! ;)

phono line output.jpg

So, yes there is a phono pre-amp in use but the music still isn't loud enough. The output voltage of that phono amp is just too low. Period.

Unfortunately, the Behringer PP400 wouldn't change anything. Its gain is just 35 dB, sound will be just as low as with the built-in phono pre of the AT-LPW40WN. No difference.

The Art Precision Phono Preamp is a little better suited as it has a maximum gain of 43 dB for MM cartridges, but still not ideal. It also has a 63 dB gain setting for MC cartridges, but it cannot be used with MM pickups because it also switches to input impedance to 25 or 100 ohms (unusable for MM).

The Art DJPRE II Phono Preamp is a little less expensive and offers a little more gain (45 dB), so it would be a better choice.

Phono pre-amps offering higher and switchable gain are usually more expensive. You could buy an ifi Zen Phono 3 (offering 4 different gain settings between 36 and 72 dB, each of these gain settings can be used with the 47 kOhm input impedance required for MM), but it'll set you back around 250 bucks. Might be overkill for this turntable.

Finally, it's possible to just insert a line level booster between the turntables line out and the WiiM Amp's line input. This would be one cheap example at 26 USD. Pre-caution: I have no idea how it might sound and if it even comes with a power brick at this price point.

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Please also understand that the difference between phono and line level outputs from the turntable involves more than just the output level.

There seems to be some very basic misunderstandings in some of these posts.
Please also understand that the difference between phono and line level outputs from the turntable involves more than just the output level.

There seems to be some very basic misunderstandings in some of these posts.
You are right, of course, but this is all covered in this case.

The Audio-Technica AT-LPW40WN does have a built-in phono preamp doing the RIAA equalisation and it's been set up correctly by @gethen . It's really only a matter of insufficient gain here.