I connected my Oppo 105D up to the Ultra via Toslink fiber (used the conveniently provided WiiM optical cable) and I have both the Oppo out set to LCMP192 as well as the Ultra "Line-In Input Resolution" set to 24/192, and anywhere else it should be set on the Ultra, that's what it's set to.
Oddly when I fire up a couple of Rhino discs, they only show 24/48 on the Ultra, but if I send it to my Onkyo AVR it plays at 24/192 as expected.

I vaguely recall initially mentioned that it was fixed at this rate, then later 24/192 with a SW patch. I'm on the last Ultra patch (waiting for their Russian Roulette style distro of the latest SW patch to fire off), so maybe this is fixed, or maybe not?

EDIT: Played with it some more, if I'm playing a SACD and switch to the Ultra Optical In, for about a second it does change the display to show 24/192 but then it goes to "Stopped Playing". Odd, like maybe a handshake issue or ? Sounds like a bug.
Oddly when I fire up a couple of Rhino discs, they only show 24/48 on the Ultra, but if I send it to my Onkyo AVR it plays at 24/192 as expected.

I vaguely recall initially mentioned that it was fixed at this rate, then later 24/192 with a SW patch. I'm on the last Ultra patch (waiting for their Russian Roulette style distro of the latest SW patch to fire off), so maybe this is fixed, or maybe not?

EDIT: Played with it some more, if I'm playing a SACD and switch to the Ultra Optical In, for about a second it does change the display to show 24/192 but then it goes to "Stopped Playing". Odd, like maybe a handshake issue or ? Sounds like a bug.
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