Ultra room correction results


Jul 3, 2024
Now that Amazon Music is [mostly] stable now after the recent Ultra SW patch, I went forward with some of the advanced options and decided to test out the room correction feature.

WiiM Home app version 2.10.8x (host iPhone 8+, yes it's time for an upgrade :)
WiiM Ultra SW version 5.2.6x

Temporary test speakers: love 'em or hate 'em Sony SSCS5 3-Way bookshelf [8,600 Amazon folks can't be wrong, right? haha)
^To be replaced with Swans 3-ways

I have to say it sounds great!

Any thoughts on the room correction process?


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Now that Amazon Music is [mostly] stable now after the recent Ultra SW patch, I went forward with some of the advanced options and decided to test out the room correction feature.

WiiM Home app version 2.10.8x (host iPhone 8+, yes it's time for an upgrade :)
WiiM Ultra SW version 5.2.6x

Temporary test speakers: love 'em or hate 'em Sony SSCS5 3-Way bookshelf [8,600 Amazon folks can't be wrong, right? haha)
^To be replaced with Swans 3-ways

I have to say it sounds great!

Any thoughts on the room correction process?

View attachment 9666
View attachment 9667

View attachment 9670

Is the frequency range of RC 100Hz~4000Hz? Is there any audible difference?

If you are interested, one idea would be to add a subwoofer before replacing the speakers. 😊
Image resolution is a little low but that looks like no RC is applied below ~70 Hz. Is that on purpose?

Otherwise, the measurement looks quite good.
Fixed the image res if you want to take a second gander. I didn't apply anything manually, just went through the automated process. The sub xover is set to 80Hz (default).
Fixed the image res if you want to take a second gander. I didn't apply anything manually, just went through the automated process. The sub xover is set to 80Hz (default).
The magenta line is the applied correction. No correction at all is applied up to 70-80 Hz. Might be coincidence that this is also the sub crossover frequency or not. Is that a regular powered sub connected to the subwoofer output using a single line level RCA cable?

If it sounds good to you then it's all good. But maybe it could even sound better. ;)

The default value for RC is to only apply correction between 40 Hz and 4000 Hz. Your graph looks like this setting either has been changed of the limitation wasn't applied correctly by the Ultra. Things to check: Reboot the Ultra and restart the app. On the first RC screen tap the cog icon in the upper right as mentioned by Smartplug and take note of the settings there.

Default values are:
Curve: B&K
Equalizer: 40 Hz to 4000 Hz
Max Gain: 10 dB
Max Q: 10

Personally I like to reduce max gain a little and keep max Q below 5 to keep RC from correcting even the smallest peak but that's a matter of preference.

RC settings.jpg
The magenta line is the applied correction. No correction at all is applied up to 70-80 Hz. Might be coincidence that this is also the sub crossover frequency or not.
Not a coincidence, unfortunately, as confirmed by WiiM Support:

I was under the (false) impression that this limitation had been removed during the beta phase, but as of now no correction is applied to frequencies below the crossover frequency.

I didn't notice because I don't have a sub in my WiiM Amp setup and I did RC manually in my WiiM Ultra setup, using REW.
Not a coincidence, unfortunately, as confirmed by WiiM Support:

I was under the (false) impression that this limitation had been removed during the beta phase, but as of now no correction is applied to frequencies below the crossover frequency.

I didn't notice because I don't have a sub in my WiiM Amp setup and I did RC manually in my WiiM Ultra setup, using REW.
Correction is applied below the crossover frequency though.
Here's my before and after, four subs, before is with no EQ, no time alignment

After is with EQ and time aligned in minidsp hd


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The magenta line is the applied correction. No correction at all is applied up to 70-80 Hz. Might be coincidence that this is also the sub crossover frequency or not. Is that a regular powered sub connected to the subwoofer output using a single line level RCA cable?
It's an active sub using the line level RCA /LFE input.

I think the sub level was a bit high during the RC, although if no RC is applied up to 80 Hz, it's probably a moot point.

Thanks for your observations and suggestions, I'll play around with it some more.
It's an active sub using the line level RCA /LFE input.

I think the sub level was a bit high during the RC, although if no RC is applied up to 80 Hz, it's probably a moot point.

Thanks for your observations and suggestions, I'll play around with it some more.
I did play around it. I set range 20 to 20khz with no sub. There were some adjustments even on to 20hz however with sub enable and set 80hz there were no adjustments made below 80hz. This tells me there’s no correction on sub.
I did play around it. I set range 20 to 20khz with no sub. There were some adjustments even on to 20hz however with sub enable and set 80hz there were no adjustments made below 80hz. This tells me there’s no correction on sub.
Good to know. I wonder if they plan to change that? Seems odd they'd have such a nice sub integration and leave sub RC off, yet on the other hand maybe not. Dirac RC has an exclusive Dirac RC bass management module (that coincidently cost more than the Ultra :) That said, I believe my Onkyo AVR with Dirac Live covers one sub, but anything more elaborate and you'd need the Dirac bass package.
Good to know. I wonder if they plan to change that? Seems odd they'd have such a nice sub integration and leave sub RC off, yet on the other hand maybe not. Dirac RC has an exclusive Dirac RC bass management module (that coincidently cost more than the Ultra :) That said, I believe my Onkyo AVR with Dirac Live covers one sub, but anything more elaborate and you'd need the Dirac bass package.
I have wiim amp. I will see if this behavior same as ultra. RC with sub is critical getting proper integration on response both speaker and sub.
I have wiim amp. I will see if this behavior same as ultra. RC with sub is critical getting proper integration on response both speaker and sub.
You should find the RC on the Amp does work below the crossover frequency.