UMIK-1 mic support for room correction


New member
Jan 16, 2024
I plugged a UMIK-1 mic into my iPad when doing room correction with my Pro Plus. I assume it worked, since I got a much different (and to my ears, better) equalization curve then when using the internal iPad mic. However, there is no way that I have found to apply the UMIK-1 calibration file. Support for high quality external mics with calibration files would be a great enhancement.
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The IT wasn't clear / ambiguous, I thought you meant the phone itself, I didn't realise the WiiM App showed which mic it was using, I'll take a look again later.

A side comment, before I tried it with the Umik I ran it with iOS and Android, using the phones mic on each and the readings were so far apart it was untrue.
Sorry it was ambiguous because I assumed you were using the WiiM app 😃. From what I've read iPhone built in mics work reasonably well but Android Mics may not just because there are so many different ones.
Personally, I had no indication that the UMIK was being used in the (Android) WiiM app. I jumped into a voice recording app and tapped first on my phone and then the UMIK and it was clear the UMIK was being used.

My assumption is that it was used by the WiiM RC as well because the resultant EQ sounds fantastic compared to those generated by iOS/Android stock mics while the phone itself was on the floor while I took the reading.
Personally, I had no indication that the UMIK was being used in the (Android) WiiM app. I jumped into a voice recording app and tapped first on my phone and then the UMIK and it was clear the UMIK was being used.

My assumption is that it was used by the WiiM RC as well because the resultant EQ sounds fantastic compared to those generated by iOS/Android stock mics while the phone itself was on the floor while I took the reading.
The current WiiM app only tells you which mic is being used after the tuning is started. This should be fixed in the next update.
Just tried my new UMIK-1 mic for the first time and got a massive shock. Results are totally different to the iMM6. Looks like the iMM6 either itself or in combination with my Pixel 3a was massively under reading low frequencies. Back to the drawing board 🤣
Tried the beta multi test, and used 1/3 smoothing. That means less aggressive correction? Also reset any boosts to 0.

I believe multi point testing is better if you move the mic a little? ie left/right 12" Hopefully they'll add a delay for you to move it around the virtual head
Just tried my new UMIK-1 mic for the first time and got a massive shock. Results are totally different to the iMM6. Looks like the iMM6 either itself or in combination with my Pixel 3a was massively under reading low frequencies. Back to the drawing board 🤣
That's disappointing to hear as I have the IMM-6C coming my way..
I have an iPad Pro 2nd generation and a Galaxy S23+. What would be the quickest way for me to connect a Umik-1 to one of these two devices?
iPad has just lightning connector, Umik a USB mini to USB A. Are there USB mini to USB C cables that work for this purpose?
I have an iPad Pro 2nd generation and a Galaxy S23+. What would be the quickest way for me to connect a Umik-1 to one of these two devices?
iPad has just lightning connector, Umik a USB mini to USB A. Are there USB mini to USB C cables that work for this purpose?
If the USB mini fits onto the UMIK-1 don't you need a USB A to USB C adaptor to connect to the phone? Phones often come with them hidden in the box.
iPad has just lightning connector, Umik a USB mini to USB A.
You mean, the UMIK-1 came with a Mini USB to USB A cable? The connector on the UMIK-1 itself can either be Mini-B (older version) or USB-C (current version).

Are there USB mini to USB C cables that work for this purpose?
Sure. It's just a passive cable, nothing special to it. You can get them from Amazon or any other online vendor.
I use a USB C to USB adapter then use the umik1 supplied cable.
Good to know. You then connect to an Android smartphone or an iOS one? Just out of curiosity and to further reinforce the message that it can be used that way.
Good to know. You then connect to an Android smartphone or an iOS one? Just out of curiosity and to further reinforce the message that it can be used that way.
This is my adaptor that came with my Android phone. Works great. Just make sure the adaptor end of the cable goes into the phone.
I had an issue initially using my Umik 1 mic on Android, I missed the small pop up to enable permission to use the mic.
I had an issue initially using my Umik 1 mic on Android, I missed the small pop up to enable permission to use the mic.
Bought an adapter, connected the Umik. The app saw the microphone with no need to confirm anything (it says what microphone is in use).

Hats off to WiiM from a happy Lyrion Music Server user.