Using DVD Blu-Ray player for CDs (Optical)


Aug 25, 2024
So I've got a Samsung DVD Blu-Ray player laying around not be used so I decide to connect it into the Optical In on the back of the Wiim Ultra and wow. Great sounding CDs like I've never heard before. :)

Do I understand correctly that by using the Optical Out on the DVD player to the Optical In on the Ultra I'm send the raw digital to the Ultra for its DAC to mange? I presume the Ultra's DAC that specs at 32-bit / 384 kHz will give me the best possible audio.??

I presume this is the best setup. ???

Any other advice/recommendations regarding this setup (using this DVD payer for CDs)? Any other settings to think about?

p.s. How would/should the quality (listening experience) of the audio from a CD played this way compare to using a music service (HD/ Ultra HD) streamed via Wifi through the Ultra?

Curt (audiophile newbie)
Yes you are correct.
The DVD/BR player is acting as a CD transport only in this mode.
An audiophile may try to tell you that said DVD BluRay player is inferior to a “proper” CD transport due to the components used. He/she is correct but whether you can hear a difference ……
I've been using cheap DVD players as CD transports for ages ....I've compared with "audiophile" CD players and can't tell any difference in sound. I have a Wiim Ultra on order and will have a play with Optical & HDMI inputs, to leverage the Ultra DAC. The only disadvantage I've found is that sometimes the DVD player is slower ... to initially read and to change tracks ....and sometimes noisier - not so much playing but again changing tracks ect
As long the machine send bitstream and external dac like the one ultra will do heavy lifting. No need exotic player if only use as transport.
The only disadvantage I've found is that sometimes the DVD player is slower ... to initially read and to change tracks ....and sometimes noisier - not so much playing but again changing tracks ect
You nailed the main points. There also might be earlier or more wear. For me these points were important enough to justify the purchase of a cheap (by audiophile standards) but expensive (compared to a 2nd hand DVD player) Chinese CD transport. But that's an individual decision.
I use this in conjunction with the cd-play plugin for Lyrion Music Server - gives menu control and album metadata. Replay can be switched between audio endpoints. Perfect.

I've been using cheap DVD players as CD transports for ages ....I've compared with "audiophile" CD players and can't tell any difference in sound. I have a Wiim Ultra on order and will have a play with Optical & HDMI inputs, to leverage the Ultra DAC. The only disadvantage I've found is that sometimes the DVD player is slower ... to initially read and to change tracks ....and sometimes noisier - not so much playing but again changing tracks ect
the use of a DVD player, or even a recent CD-drive player on cheap mechanics which are generally-often for DVDs, is in fact quickly unbearable due to the slowness of acquisition for just cd audio... (and noisier too)
after if it is for just a very very occasional can help out indeed.....
Looking for real mechanics for audio CDs is still a good idea...
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the use of a DVD player, or even a recent CD-drive player on cheap mechanics which are generally-often for DVDs, is in fact quickly unbearable due to the slowness of acquisition for just cd audio... (and noisier too)
after if it is for just a very very occasional can help out indeed.....
Looking for real mechanics for audio CDs is still a good idea...
I do not have any problem with any slowness or noise in case of $20 model used for a long time. Cd is loaded very quickly, the same speed as in case of dedicated classic cd player.
I do not have any problem with any slowness or noise in case of $20 model used for a long time. Cd is loaded very quickly, the same speed as in case of dedicated classic cd player.
Just wired my Panasonic 820 4k Blu-ray player using the optical to my ultra and it’s fairly fast
It has an option on the menu screen for music/disc which loads it a lot faster
I used a $20 Sony DVD player connected through Coax to a budget DAC to my WiiM Amp and it did the trick just fine, then on Facbk Marketplace I got a used Sony 5-Disc changer (without digital output) for around $25 and connected through RCA to the Amp and it sounds much better! Louder, more detailed, better soundstage. Either option is fine, the point is, you shouldn´t need to spend several hundreds to have play CDs with decent SQ.
I used a $20 Sony DVD player connected through Coax to a budget DAC to my WiiM Amp and it did the trick just fine, then on Facbk Marketplace I got a used Sony 5-Disc changer (without digital output) for around $25 and connected through RCA to the Amp and it sounds much better! Louder, more detailed, better soundstage. Either option is fine, the point is, you shouldn´t need to spend several hundreds to have play CDs with decent SQ.
Oldest cd players had much better r2r dacs than modern even best Delta sigma ones. But many later produced cheap cds had bad dacs, so using good external dacs improves them dramatically.
Is there any proof for that statement? Other than "my ears are telling me"?

What about the early Philips CD players? Good or bad? Hint: This is a trick question.
Basic rules how r2r is working and how DS is working. Especially bad ones.
What is the relevance to the question? This was about using a DVD/BD player as a transport - no onboard DAC in play.
I hooked my Oppo 105D Universal Blu Ray transport up to the Ultra via fiber and when I'd play a SACD on the Oppo, the Ultra for some odd reason couldn't decode them?
I hooked my Oppo 105D Universal Blu Ray transport up to the Ultra via fiber and when I'd play a SACD on the Oppo, the Ultra for some odd reason couldn't decode them?
This is probably a topic for the DSD threads, isn't it?

Was that a 2 channel SACD or multi-channel?