What are you listening to?

♪ Playing Raven by Slade from Play It Loud (1970) (Local • 877kbps VBR, 16bit, 44.1kHz, FLC)

First album I ever bought albeit this is a CD rip not the needledrop

♪ Playing Raven by Slade from Play It Loud (1970) (Local • 877kbps VBR, 16bit, 44.1kHz, FLC)

First album I ever bought albeit this is a CD rip not the needledrop
Slade were my first ‘favourite’ band growing up. I was one album behind you, my first was Slayed in 1972 when I was 12. Money saved from doing two paper rounds!
One album and 2 years! I was 14 in 1972.
I am sure I actually bought Play It Loud in January 1972 as we (siblings) had received a record player for Christmas 1971 from my Grandfather.
This isn’t at all like what you might expect. It’s edgy

♪ Playing A Spell, A Prayer by Corinne Bailey Rae from Black Rainbows (2023) (Qobuz • 2955kbps, 24bit, 96kHz, -13.19dB, FLC)

Fear this thread could be too quiet...😉

Is this new record necessary? Likely not.
But it is Roger Waters!

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My Vinyl copy has arrived today. I shall play it later and give my verdict. I shall try to be objective.
Mine too. But it is already on the way back. Too uneven, hate that.
RW was always there in my listening life. And he was a hero as musician for me. So I am definitively not able to be objective 😉
Although in the last years I very often was irritated by much of his speeches. Man and musician is sometimes hard to like both...
I would judge this album as kind of (too) easy listening. Quite sure the vinyl will not change that impression. But to be complete...IMG_1698.jpeg
Mine too. But it is already on the way back. Too uneven, hate that.
RW was always there in my listening life. And he was a hero as musician for me. So I am definitively not able to be objective 😉
Although in the last years I very often was irritated by much of his speeches. Man and musician is sometimes hard to like both...
I would judge this album as kind of (too) easy listening. Quite sure the vinyl will not change that impression. But to be complete...View attachment 2737
My wife answered the door to the postman and I received some verbal abuse concerning the purchase after she closed the door. "Haven't you got this already?" she said. I tried to explain but realised her ears were deaf. Thank god there are places like this where people understand .....