What do you really think about WiiM and Linkplay?


Major Contributor
Oct 20, 2022
No sugar, no diplomacy, can be pinch of salt and just being honest for anyone who dares.
The people of Wiim have been for me the ones who care the most about the needs of their customers and maintain very close contact with them, just for that they have won me over and I am going to be a customer of their products.
Topic prepared for cases like today's statement about Mini without Roon support.

I hate false promises.
I’m very happy with their product cost. Mini since it got release received so many updates not just bug fixing but added features. Their block buster release was amazon cast and even expensive node don’t have such features. What makes wiim special was their software company and their expertise made mini almost fully featured. Does anyone knows can provide features and bug fix in a consistent manner?
Ambitious but perhaps flawed by over zealous marketing.
Could be a very solid product if WiiM can identify what it is they want to be - a consumer audio product or a piece of HiFi equipment?
I think the WiiM Mini is a great deal as you get many features and a solid device for your money. Also the development is quite impressive.

BUT: There are features which are advertised or have been promised which are either broken or not coming. I‘m referring to Deezer and Roon readiness here. One just vanished from the roadmap (but is still listed as a feature), the other one has been cancelled for the Mini.

Unfortunately I am a user of both services. Does that make me a happy customer? Certainly not. I‘ll stick with Raspberry Pi’s who can serve as endpoints for AirPlay 2, LMS and Roon. Right now the WiiM Mini has no advantage for me.

What I don‘t like is that there are users which don‘t allow criticism on WiiM. There is a lot of whataboutism, it‘s your fault, it‘s someone else’s fault… Critical feedback is a way to learn and to improve. Nobody is perfect - even WiiM.

For now my WiiM journey is over. As stated above: It is a neat little device - as long as you‘re not with Deezer and Roon. More transparency about the things not working would be nice for all sides.
What I like: it works seamlessly out of the box.

What I don't: they decided to disclose a "roadmap"... Big mistake for both existing owners and upcoming new ones.

Upgrades in these hybrid hw/sw devices need to be hidden and marketing should keep their heads down as much as possible...

Otherwise, disappointment is just around the corner... ;)
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I think the WiiM Mini is a great deal as you get many features and a solid device for your money. Also the development is quite impressive.

BUT: There are features which are advertised or have been promised which are either broken or not coming. I‘m referring to Deezer and Roon readiness here. One just vanished from the roadmap (but is still listed as a feature), the other one has been cancelled for the Mini.

Unfortunately I am a user of both services. Does that make me a happy customer? Certainly not. I‘ll stick with Raspberry Pi’s who can serve as endpoints for AirPlay 2, LMS and Roon. Right now the WiiM Mini has no advantage for me.

What I don‘t like is that there are users which don‘t allow criticism on WiiM. There is a lot of whataboutism, it‘s your fault, it‘s someone else’s fault… Critical feedback is a way to learn and to improve. Nobody is perfect - even WiiM.

For now my WiiM journey is over. As stated above: It is a neat little device - as long as you‘re not with Deezer and Roon. More transparency about the things not working would be nice for all sides.
The latest firmware released today has a fix for the Deezer API issue…
I’ve been working with hardware vendors (healthcare - Biomed - back office) - for over 40 years. Cost, feature and performance wise WiiM ranks near the top for me. The Roon issue was a misstep - a major one - but I have not worked with any vendor that doesn’t make mistakes.
The latest firmware released today has a fix for the Deezer API issue…
I’m sure canard/morillon would finally stop complaining about deezer issue. I don’t use deezer so I don’t know the issue.
What I like: it works seamlessly out of the box.

What I don't: they decided to disclose a "roadmap"... Big mistake for both existing owners and upcoming new ones.

Upgrades in these hybrid hw/sw devices need to be hidden and marketing should keep their heads down as much as possible...

Otherwise, disappointment is just around the corner... ;)
What I like to see on roadmap is push back the date if they don’t make it on release date with close with actually being released on target date.
As a reminder
in the case of deezer it wasn't "I don't have hd at 192k in my kitchen in a multiroom with alexa".. but just unusable... and announcements for months it was fixed within 15 days.. .
and if I talked about it regularly, and I don't think so aggressively... it's because it lasted a long time...

I would have liked to see you in such circumstances....
to be honest it's almost unreal to see it working normally for 2 days...
(it's just a "modest" 44k/16 flac.. but at least there are no bugs having to manage different formats, no doubts, questions, constantly on the real resolution.. mqa or not.... etc)

and it would have been simply dishonest not to warn people using deezer and considering buying a mini.. right?
did you do it?
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Atlist canard/morillon is finally happy. Let see what would be his next drama to be unfold. Stay tuned!
it's just in proportion to the "bea" enthusiasts..
my use of the mini "streaming" is modest (otherwise I will use qobuz)...with dac..
now it works..i'm happy with it.. that s enough..
and no worries.. i will participate no more in the future
why would i buy a pro it did not work for my use?
and now that my mini works for my use...why buy a pro...?

from onlyoneme...:
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I’ve been working with hardware vendors (healthcare - Biomed - back office) - for over 40 years. Cost, feature and performance wise WiiM ranks near the top for me. The Roon issue was a misstep - a major one - but I have not worked with any vendor that doesn’t make mistakes.
Given the WiiM Mini already has a plethora of features packed into a relatively small hardware footprint, might I suggest that they consider ceasing any further major developments on the WiiM Mini and focus their energies on bringing new features just to the Pro? They’ve already hit a brick wall due to lack of memory concerning lossless Amazon Music multi room, and yesterday my Mini got itself in a twist, dropping the SPDIF connection and flipping between Spotify and Amazon Music when I stopped a Spotify stream to switch to Amazon Music, which WiiM again put down to memory issues. I’m not suggesting that they abandon the Mini but just restrict its development to enhancing current supported services rather than adding any new major services.

I also feel that, unless the development is already modular and can lend itself to the custom firmware versions mooted for Roon for example, that it could be a large engineering task to restructure its firmware to tailor it to allow users to choose which features they want in the firmware and which they don’t.

If I have any criticism of WiiM/Linkplay, it’s that they’re over enthusiastic and want to please all the people all of the time. As a result, they appear to promise features without them having been fully evaluated as to whether they’re feasible or not. Given the Mini’s limited memory and existing problems with that, I can’t see how they can cram in all they list in its roadmap. Plus it would clearly further differentiate the Mini from the Pro, connections and Chromecast aside.
I happen to find Linkplay’s approach very refreshing, very honest and almost unique. By involving the user from an early stage in development they have brought the fun back into hifi in a way that other manufacturers should take note of. If you want evidence of this then just look at the amount of activity, the anticipation and the enjoyment shown by forums such as this. I cannot think of many other comparable examples beyond, perhaps, Rob Watts’ interactions with users of his creations.

Of course Linkplay can be criticised by some for employing their buyers as unpaid beta testers and of course the roadmap date milestones are often too ambitious but look where this approach has taken them/us: they have reached the stage within a year where the usability of their streaming product is probably superior to most others, including those that cost orders of magnitude more. Quite an achievement. Also I, for one, probably respect and take interest in their streamer more than I might have done had they simply released it like any other manufacturer because, rightly or wrongly, I feel invested in its development. For what it’s worth, for the WiiM Mini I am beginning to agree with Brantome that the job is nearly done (Deezer included!) and perhaps future endeavours should focus more on improving the resilience of the features they currently provide.

Overall, I think Linkplay’s novel release strategy for their WiiM products should be applauded and encouraged. Warts and all.
Given the WiiM Mini already has a plethora of features packed into a relatively small hardware footprint, might I suggest that they consider ceasing any further major developments on the WiiM Mini and focus their energies on bringing new features just to the Pro? They’ve already hit a brick wall due to lack of memory concerning lossless Amazon Music multi room, and yesterday my Mini got itself in a twist, dropping the SPDIF connection and flipping between Spotify and Amazon Music when I stopped a Spotify stream to switch to Amazon Music, which WiiM again put down to memory issues. I’m not suggesting that they abandon the Mini but just restrict its development to enhancing current supported services rather than adding any new major services.

I also feel that, unless the development is already modular and can lend itself to the custom firmware versions mooted for Roon for example, that it could be a large engineering task to restructure its firmware to tailor it to allow users to choose which features they want in the firmware and which they don’t.

If I have any criticism of WiiM/Linkplay, it’s that they’re over enthusiastic and want to please all the people all of the time. As a result, they appear to promise features without them having been fully evaluated as to whether they’re feasible or not. Given the Mini’s limited memory and existing problems with that, I can’t see how they can cram in all they list in its roadmap. Plus it would clearly further differentiate the Mini from the Pro, connections and Chromecast aside.
I suggested the same thing. They were comfortable however splitting configs into different features. I sent my mini back and got a pro.