What products you'd like to see WiiM produce?

At least it's easy to say that something without any evidence is not proven. "ASR like" statement without any evidence is based only on the authority, it's not enough for me usually. In case of YouTube influencers it's almost always not enough.
Some people do not react when they see something they consider as inappropriate, some others react. I will react to show that there is no consensus on the statement provided. If my arguments will reach to someone I'm glad of it. If not, there is always a place for improvements.
And I do not comment personal preferences. I have mine as well also in case of the audio.

BTW, a discussion without any arguing is simply boring.
Sounds is personal matter and what we see on YouTube for a review is their personal opinion. We’re only getting feedback on what they think on the product. It’s just a simple question you buy a hifi and do you like how it sound? If not, return it then try another brand.
For me it is no discussion. It is about culture of discussions. To write things like "see a lot of high grade instruments he only has for making him serious" (do not try to say it was meant different) and so on is cheerleading in a very bad way. Do you have evidence he does not use it and knows even better how to use it? And I surely would have this opinion also if I wouldn't know this person and know his way of working for a long time. He was so useful and helpful for countless people. And yes, it was and is still his business, which wouldn't be as successful as it is. His customers only idiots? He has to take responsibility for his advice. Of course in his professional life. People who looks to his videos for free are self responsible.
For me the meta part is finished.
Do you have any evidence he does use it?
Did he ever provide any objective results as a basis for his sound impressions?
Does he say "I prefer how X sounds" or he says "X sounds better then Y"?

I doubt in his competencies when he does not even know what kind of the PSU he used.
Do you have any evidence he does use it?
Did he ever provide any objective results as a basis for his sound impressions?
Does he say "I prefer how X sounds" or he says "X sounds better then Y"?

I doubt in his competencies when he does not even know what kind of the PSU he used.
I also watch a fair number of audio review videos etc. (generally, not a specific reviewer) and read sites like asr.
Sometimes I cringe at the sheer incompetence and misinformation provided; sometimes I think some comments are genuine mistakes.
The one realisation I've come to is that such reviews never really align to my perceptions.

I read / saw many great reviews about a pair of speakers. Went to a store to listen... quite possibly the worst, to me, I've ever heard.
I prefered my 25 year old standmount speakers that cost 1 /10 the price of those floorstanders.
In fact, I even prefered the pair of small bookshelf speakers I bought for 100 GBP 30 years ago, that I still use in my office setup.

I read great reviews on a pair of headphones. Tried them. Bland.
Tried another pair, liked them so much I bought them.
Got home, read a review that basically said they were merely average.
What do they know!!

Who's right? Me, of course, as it's my listening experience. ;)
At this point I would like to have my say on this interminable and, frankly, boring diatribe.
I don't understand all this fuss about a single YouTube reviewer. :unsure: Hans in particular, who by the way I don't know. On YT there are thousands of characters who, like him, have their say. I think he does no worse nor better than many others.
We can listen to them, not listen to them, ignore them etc. But it all ends here. It is useless to want these characters to say what pleases us.
The same thing can be said for all the rest of the topics. Reviews in HiFi magazines; reviews about a movie, book, restaurant, and so on.
What we read, once again, is the reviewer's opinion more or less supported by evidence. For example, I may not like a restaurant that has had good reviews. It is my personal experience versus that of others. Am I more right or the others? Probably neither I nor the reviewers can say that we are right.;)
We can read or hear these reviews or not. We can agree or disagree, we can exclude a particular reviewer if we don't like him, but that's all. If I don't like a book I'm reading, I close it, put it aside, and never open it again.
However, what we have read or heard, especially looking at different opinions, still serves us to have a basic idea about something we don't know. The next step will then be up to our experience or preferences.
I think this is what written or spoken reviews are for. To have a smattering of things new to us. For example, when it's the case, I look for as much information as possible, after which I make a reasonable tare by filtering the various info with my brain and try to arrive at a more or less weighted average. ;)
For me the topic is closed. I had not participated before and will not continue. I expressed my thoughts which, of course, will be criticized :giggle:
Happy Sunday everyone
You didn't say anything fresh. Hans is here because he had been mentioned before.
Of course we can close this topic as we are aware that there are similar reviewers, there are people who trust their ears and there are people who trust measurements and blind tests.
I also watch a fair number of audio review videos etc. (generally, not a specific reviewer) and read sites like asr.
Sometimes I cringe at the sheer incompetence and misinformation provided; sometimes I think some comments are genuine mistakes.
The one realisation I've come to is that such reviews never really align to my perceptions.

I read / saw many great reviews about a pair of speakers. Went to a store to listen... quite possibly the worst, to me, I've ever heard.
I prefered my 25 year old standmount speakers that cost 1 /10 the price of those floorstanders.
In fact, I even prefered the pair of small bookshelf speakers I bought for 100 GBP 30 years ago, that I still use in my office setup.

I read great reviews on a pair of headphones. Tried them. Bland.
Tried another pair, liked them so much I bought them.
Got home, read a review that basically said they were merely average.
What do they know!!

Who's right? Me, of course, as it's my listening experience. ;)
And you have verified the product against your impressions yourself, nothing unusual.
Someone can prefer harlequins over Shakespeare, why not, it's also a personal choice based on something. Does it justify the statement that harlequins are better piece of literature? I don't think so.
measurements is important and bearer for the engineer who design them, it’s the standard and part of design, my ear is not a measurement and don’t like flat frequency response as I like boosted bass and mid and roll off high. Someone will argue that altering frequency response is not what artist intent. True, I like my music elevated on certain part of spectrum. I’m aging so there’s part that need to be boosted for me to enjoy it, this just me not applying to anyone.
The thing is if frequency response is the holly grail two speakers with exactly the same frequency response should sound the same … But would they? However it is good to have textbook measurements but they are still not a guarantee . It is important but not enough
If we look an entry level dac and their flagship of same company on papers the measurements are pretty much on par. However, when you listen to them is where it’s separate one another. The entry level sounds boring flat sounding two dimensional while the top tier sound exciting with more depth, deeper bass and feels like you can touch the artist. So my questions was if measurements were nearly identical why the top tier sounds superior and even untrained ear can tell difference? Yes, it’s level match so don’t start saying not level matching.
Answer is - measurements were not nearly identical or they were too limited to show the difference if it was easily audible.
measurements is important and bearer for the engineer who design them, it’s the standard and part of design, my ear is not a measurement and don’t like flat frequency response as I like boosted bass and mid and roll off high. Someone will argue that altering frequency response is not what artist intent. True, I like my music elevated on certain part of spectrum. I’m aging so there’s part that need to be boosted for me to enjoy it, this just me not applying to anyone.
You see? I just think that everyone of us has his own preferences.
For me it's important staging. Wide and deep, especially the depth is important.
About frequencies unlike you I don't want any treble roll off.
Which of us is more right? Neither. We have different needs or tastes. Both equally valid. ;)
By the way, in my pre-amp i always use tones defeat
You see? I just think that everyone of us has his own preferences.
For me it's important staging. Wide and deep, especially the depth is important.
About frequencies unlike you I don't want any treble roll off.
Which of us is more right? Neither. We have different needs or tastes. Both equally valid. ;)
By the way, in my pre-amp i always use tones defeat
music is personal taste and measurement is important building block of electronic. If I tell you guys tube amp is the most realistic sound I will get criticize because it has the worse measurement and high distortion. Maybe those damn distortion is pleasing to my ear than those solid states that are clean are analytical to my ear. Everyone is different so let’s just respect one another.
My personal cup of tea in music is the sound that like coming out from tunnel this is why I like boosted bass and mid and roll off high. That’s just me.
music is personal taste and measurement is important building block of electronic. If I tell you guys tube amp is the most realistic sound I will get criticize because it has the worse measurement and high distortion. Maybe those damn distortion is pleasing to my ear than those solid states that are clean are analytical to my ear. Everyone is different so let’s just respect one another.
Fully agreed 😊 The world is strange. I remember that in the 70s 80s tube amps were considered as the top end of HiFi.
Now it seems they are rubbish :unsure:
Furthermore if those damned distortions comes out not by ears, but only throu measurements, why should i care about?
Answer is - measurements were not nearly identical or they were too limited to show the difference if it was easily audible.
Hello friend, I have multiple dacs and will listed them here so you can tell me why the internal dac on Yamaha Rxv 6a sounds better than external dac which use burr brown similar to wiim. Setting was in pure direct mode. The external dac I have tried includes schitt modi multibit, modi 3, topping e50, smsl do 200 mk2. 10 listeners blind folded ages ranging from 15 to 50 and level matching using mini dsp umik 1. Sessions lasted 2 hours and made notes which one they pick and the music that they know about. Guess what? Yamaha was picked best sounding comment including it has best depth, precision and texture that other dac missed to produce. Maybe the dac analog stage is Yamaha secret sauce. Are my 10 listeners are wrong?
Hello friend, I have multiple dacs and will listed them here so you can tell me why the internal dac on Yamaha Rxv 6a sounds better than external dac which use burr brown similar to wiim. Setting was in pure direct mode. The external dac I have tried includes schitt modi multibit, modi 3, topping e50, smsl do 200 mk2. 10 listeners blind folded ages ranging from 15 to 50 and level matching using mini dsp umik 1. Sessions lasted 2 hours and made notes which one they pick and the music that they know about. Guess what? Yamaha was picked best sounding comment including it has best depth, precision and texture that other dac missed to produce. Maybe the dac analog stage is Yamaha secret sauce. Are my 10 listeners are wrong?
Gee, I'm not coming to your house if you'll blindfold me for 2 hours and subject me to musical chairs torture ;)
Gee, I'm not coming to your house if you'll blindfold me for 2 hours and subject me to musical chairs torture ;)
I like your comment. I gave the listeners a peanut and coke after the session.
Hi D1N0, Team

Besides the DAC, there are opamps in the output stage. It's an entirely re-designed audio path compared with the WiiM Mini and Pro. Besides, we compared it with many popular DACs objectively and subjectively, and we're quite satisfied with the outcome. Anyway, we'll be sure to hear from you when we're open for Beta testing and launch. Please stay tuned! Thank you!