Who’s upgrading to plus? Anyone here?
In reply to
@Smartplug I would like to have my say on what has become, it seems to me, an endless querelle.
I will put the real answer at the end of my thought.
So what do I think?
I think Linkplay is having a good laugh

reading the thread. We look like a flock of geese squawking in the chicken coop.
They have thrown the stone into the pond and are now watching the circles widen. We certainly gave them, if they want to take advantage of it, ideas for the next ten years of production.
The funniest thing then, always in my opinion, is that while we are hurting ourselves to say I would like this; no this other they have already taken their decision and already know how this new product will be made.
Our avalanche of ideas or not. So, cui prodest?

This puts an end, for my part, to this interminable dispute.
The answer to the question of
@Smartplug .
Would i be willing to buy the new, let's call it that, WiiM Pro + because it has a new DAC? Certainly not. I already have mine which are certainly better. Let's also take into account that it's not just a matter of chips, Saber; AKM etc, but of all the architecture that revolves around the various chips.
Would i be willing to buy the Pro + if it had:
A less economic aspect (Metal body); a screen wouldn't hurt?
Better connections?
Updated outputs?
Certainly Yes
Dac or not, I don't care since I wouldn't use it anyway.
Sure, the absence of a DAC could decrease costs.
I've seen often mentioned here that not everyone has their own DAC, so an internal DAC would be important for them. The fact that an internal DAC would help newbies etc. etc.
But are we really that sure?

There is, just to give an example, the Fiio D03K Taishan which at the price of € 31.90 on Amazon has very good technical characteristics and a very good sound signature.
Could even a neophyte take advantage of it or not?
I think so, and....with excellent results.
I say this because I have personally experienced it.
Having said that, for my part, I have said all I could say. Further comments, again from me, would be superfluous.
Greetings to the nice and lively community