What products you'd like to see WiiM produce?

FYI Fosi is working on one...

it seems like that project has sadly been dropped, as very little response from their own Forum, however they were proposing coming at a higher price range than convenient, so its still an opportunity for Wiim to head this race and embrace lots of HiFi beginners like my self.
What products would you like to see based on what you've experienced so far?
Apologies if it's been described already (didn't read 46 pages of posts), but I would like to see a digital preamp with a DAC/USB input, a physical volume knob, balanced XLR output (+ RCA), multiple sub output and full crossover bass management. No amplification, no streaming, no touchscreens. Right now, the MiniDSP Flex comes closest, but you have to choose balanced or RCA outputs and it costs about $500.
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WiiM Pro v. 2. Basic streamer, just add USB out. Noting else. No screen, same size and price. Make that the entry product; nix the Mini.
What a great model to follow though, listen to what customers are saying they want and then provide it.

Depending on price I'd like to see a more powerful Amp Pro with c120w .... think that'd appeal to a lot of buyers.

I also think a 3.1 system would be good with a centre, main left / right and sub out which nobody seems to produce, I think the fad of surround / rear speakers has gone for a lot of people but it's still nice to have a centre for dialogue.
One can make 3.1 out of WiiM and miniDSP flex (or 2x4HD). Or, 2.2 (dual subs if center channel is no use). I thought about center channel and there are many processing schemes to create a center channel out of stereo. Generally speaking, it requires to modify left and right channels, too and should allows users to change mixing parameters.

For WiiM's target customers, this may be too complicated. 3-channel amplifiers are also niche product. Practically, WiiM can make an amp version and call WiiM Amp Max (?). Three channel amp outputs and subwoofer output.
One can make 3.1 out of WiiM and miniDSP flex (or 2x4HD). Or, 2.2 (dual subs if center channel is no use). I thought about center channel and there are many processing schemes to create a center channel out of stereo. Generally speaking, it requires to modify left and right channels, too and should allows users to change mixing parameters.

For WiiM's target customers, this may be too complicated. 3-channel amplifiers are also niche product. Practically, WiiM can make an amp version and call WiiM Amp Max (?). Three channel amp outputs and subwoofer output.
I have little interest in surround sound, but as an old person I’m interested in a dialog channel. My experience is a true dialog channel is much more intelligible than composited ones.
I have little interest in surround sound, but as an old person I’m interested in a dialog channel. My experience is a true dialog channel is much more intelligible than composited ones.
If a source material contains only left and right channels, center channel (dialogue) needs to be synthesized out of left and right. Most likely, left and right channels are summed and applied with band pass filter, time delay to match with left and right speaker and dynamic compression. Left and right channels also need to be adjusted to compensate center channel. I believe miniDSP Flex and 2x4HD can do this easily.
I have little interest in surround sound, but as an old person I’m interested in a dialog channel. My experience is a true dialog channel is much more intelligible than composited ones.

Buy a avr
Buy a avr

That's what I currently have but also a seperate amp with HT bypass from the avr ..... the point I was trying to male with the original suggestion itd be nice to be able to have one unit rather than 2 and still have a seperate channel for dialogue.
Actually it should just be a matter of SW tweaks to allow the WiiM Amp and Ultra to play (or rip) audio from a USB CD drive. All the necessary drivers are in Linux, the user space components shouldn't be that complicated. They can use the network to hit cddb to get track names & artwork as well.

At a previous workplace we designed a CD ripper/copier (hardware) based on uClinux and while there were a few quirks to deal with weirdly mastered audio CDs (often with errors on the TOC), it wasn't insurmountable.
I would like something like the JBL 104 coaxial powered speakers but with built in WiiM AND sub out.


A single omnidirectional portable speaker that looks like a single JBL 104 with inbuilt lithium power, built in wiim AND sub out.

Sub out important to both... Great if you could release a matching WiiM sub

I have a WiiM amp in the living room as my main system... The above suggestion would be a great extension. / Xmas present.

Would like to see both options under UK £200
I enjoy to have a visual feedback on what track is currently playing. A Wiim Pro with HDMI interface would be perfect for my use case (Wiim Pro is both connected to an AVR with a TV between my main speakers and to a headphone DACamp for late night listening). I really want a very simple solution for a "now playing" info on my TV independent of the selected audio output path. For me, the HDMI interface would not even need ARC or CEC functionality, it should just provide a "now playing" info with album art and track format info (no fancy on-screen menu control options, no fancy display info when nothing is playing). Yes, I know there is Chromecast and Roon, however, CC is not bit-perfect and Roon is additional expense. The display on the Ultra is just too small for my setup.
I simply cast my phone display to the TV.

Would be cool to simply press a cast display to TV button on the WiiM UI though to save me entering my LG TV cast option
What products would you like to see based on what you've experienced so far?
A 3-way dsp crossover with 3 digital inputs ( usb, toslink, spdif ) and six analog rca outputs. Same shape as the ultra or pro. SINAD better than 100 dB. Price at 500 dollar would vipe the market.

Right now, Minidsp is alone on this market it seems, with rather high prices. And the professional dsp crossovers like dbx is all old technology with sinad at -80 dB.
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I'd really like to see a dedicated WiiM Streaming Transport. No DAC. No digital pre-amp. No HDMI-ARC. No extras. Just coax and USB digital output.
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I'd really like to see a dedicated WiiM Streaming Transport. No DAC. No digital pre-amp. No HDMI-ARC. No extras. Just coax and USB output.
This! This will put joy for those who own their own dac. Just straight streamer allow for lower cost since there’s less parts to implement.
Please a good quality and reasonably priced CD player or Transport with just optical out for a transport or optical + RCA if player.. and a readable screen please.. that's all. :)