Wiim Amp connection to macbook?

Is it better for me to get a topping e30 ii for example, and do the connection like this?

USB -> topping e30 ii -> RCA -> Wiim amp -> Speakers

Would it be redundant? Or would it be better to just get a USB to optical converter and do the connection like this:

USB -> Converter -> Optical -> Wiim amp -> Speakers
Notebook headphone out -> WiiM Amp -> Speakers

That's the simplest solution and should be more than adequate for Netflix. Should your laptop come with an optical output, this would be preferable.
Is it better for me to get a topping e30 ii for example, and do the connection like this?

USB -> topping e30 ii -> RCA -> Wiim amp -> Speakers

Would it be redundant? Or would it be better to just get a USB to optical converter and do the connection like this:

USB -> Converter -> Optical -> Wiim amp -> Speakers
For the former, you'd actually have
USB -> topping e30 ii -> RCA -> Wiim amp -> convert to digital -> wiim dac convert to analog -> Speakers

How much this additional ad/da conversion within the wiim may or may not alter the overall sound I don't know; but just so you are aware of it.
Hi all, I found this on the internet: https://www.smsl-audio.com/portal/product/detail/id/808.html
The SMSL PO100 Pro, "enables" my laptop to have optical output, so assumingly, utilizing the optical output from the PO100 pro to my Wiim Amp would be better than the notebook headphone out? Since the signal from the 3.5mm output will be dependent on Windows'/OS Xs' volume control
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Hi all, I found this on the internet: https://www.smsl-audio.com/portal/product/detail/id/808.html
The SMSL PO100 Pro, "enables" my laptop to have optical output, so assumingly, utilizing the optical output from the PO100 pro to my Wiim Amp would be better than the notebook headphone out? Since the signal from the 3.5mm output will be dependent on Windows'/OS Xs' volume control
This sort of device should be the best solution if you want to keep it all in the digital domain (which makes sense).
What @Mr Ee said.

Why do you need to connect your laptop, anyway? What would be your sources? The WiiM Amp with its app supports all kinds of steaming services. It can access DLNA/UPnP servers in your network. If you have music files stored locally on your laptop, you could copy them to a USB thumb drive and plug that right into the Amp.
If I play any game on PC, am I able to stream such audio to Wiim by using DLNA/UPnP?
Another handy device to consider (Macs have not had optical outputs for a few years now; they were phased out of the laptops, iMacs, and Mac minis in 2016 or so) is a Behringer U-Control UCA-202 or UCA222 (newer model). $25, though it only supports 16bit 48KHz at the maximum. Connects to the Mac using a USB-A plug, so you’ll need a USB-C to A adapter. Has a full-size TOSLINK output and audio in and audio out.