WiiM Home App v2.10.7 Update - Jul 24, 2024

yeah thats only way I get access also, & yes when I was saying Path, I actually meant sharename (is what I was using). This method gets me access, but no files play
I still get "connection failed" regardless of the format being used, either IP address or server name.
Two comments:

I had to use \\<ip addrs>\Path like some of the others.

If I play a samba share track on Wiim Device #1, it works as expected. Stop play and switch to WiiM Device #2 and select a samba share track to play, it acts like it is going to play, but doesn't and then starts playing on WiiM Device #1. If reboot WiiM Device #1 to make it temporarily disappear from the system, then try to play the samba share track on WiiM Device #2, it plays on #2.
Once you've added an SMB share and it appears in Home Music Share > Shared Folder.....it doesn't appear to be possible to edit or delete it. I understand that some devices appear under 'Available Media Server' as they're visible as DLNA servers but if I manually add a Shared Folder with SMB shouldn't I be able to also delete it? I'm on the iOS version of the app.
yeah I thought you could not delete it also, but if you go into the green square icon with plus symbol on it again, top right of screen, the place you added it, it lets you delete it (red circle to delete). Editing a different matter, seems you can only delete & then re-add.
yeah I thought you could not delete it also, but if you go into the green square icon with plus symbol on it again, top right of screen, the place you added it, it lets you delete it (red circle to delete). Editing a different matter, seems you can only delete & then re-add.
Ah well spotted, I didn't think of that; I was expecting a swipe left to delete (iOS)/long press to delete (Android). My 'Music' is in a folder on another share so I wanted to create a new Music share so that the shortcut goes directly to it without other folders being visible.
Two comments:

I had to use \\<ip addrs>\Path like some of the others.

If I play a samba share track on Wiim Device #1, it works as expected. Stop play and switch to WiiM Device #2 and select a samba share track to play, it acts like it is going to play, but doesn't and then starts playing on WiiM Device #1. If reboot WiiM Device #1 to make it temporarily disappear from the system, then try to play the samba share track on WiiM Device #2, it plays on #2.
I'm seeing this too on my setup with Wiim Amps. In my case I played a track from the SMB share yesterday night on 'Upstairs' This morning I selected a radio preset on 'Upstairs' and then just now I selected 'Kitchen' before browsing to a track from the SMB share. The track details minus the album art appeared on the 'Kitchen' but the music played out from 'Upstairs'.
I'm seeing this too on my setup with Wiim Amps. In my case I played a track from the SMB share yesterday night on 'Upstairs' This morning I selected a radio preset on 'Upstairs' and then just now I selected 'Kitchen' before browsing to a track from the SMB share. The track details minus the album art appeared on the 'Kitchen' but the music played out from 'Upstairs'.
Please submit ticket thru the settings/feedback section of the app when this happens so WiiM can inspect your log and hopefully provide a fix
Screenshot_20240725-134720.pngWith this android update i can't choose which player to play, it's gray out that option,just stay grayout Wiim mini
View attachment 9520With this android update i can't choose which player to play, it's gray out that option,just stay grayout Wiim mini

You change input from the Devices, not Now Playing screen. While you can change the output there, you've never been able to change the input in my recollection
From now play screen before i can change player with same content that i play on mini to different linkplay device,i have 7 device that show under now play screen when wiim mini was not gray out, it open all player before.
For the iOS users, can anyone see any of the DSD files (.dsf)? I can only see flac, wav, etc, but not the DSD content
I’ve just realized that the reason why I do not see my samba folders shared through my Asus router connected HDD might be due to the Samba v1 not supported by the latest app.

When I shared a samba folder in windows it works well. But still, DSD content is not visible in the latest iOS app version, whereas they are visible in the latest Android app.

This has been already reported to the support team.
I seem to have come across my issue as to why I could access/see my shared Samba folder in Wiim home app on iOS, but Wiim was not able to play any songs. I had the user on a user that had no login/password & read only access, as this sort of setup works on some other devices around my house. Then I switched it to a user that was login/password protected but had full access to the dirs/files (read/write) & it worked. So then I decided to see whether it was due to needing full read/write or the fact this user had login/password. So I setup a new windows local user, with login & password, & just read only access. Created new samba share in Wiim Home app, & now Wiim not only see's the dirs/files, but it can now play them. So seems my issue was just the fact Wiim Home App does not like the samba shares to be without a login/password, i.e. annon login. This Annon no login method works on other devices, but some make you put some random chars in the l/p fields, Wiim just does not like that kind of user at all.
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Like many others, machine name is NOT working but IP address is. It works fine on other machines so assuming it's a Wiim issue with DNS.

I also had to put a dummy username/password in, even though it was setup for guest access. From memory this is a Samba issue, but would be surprised if coding couldn't factor in for it.

Today when I powered up the shares no longer worked (greyed out, refused to budge) until I re-added them, so not sure they're "sticking" correctly. Still testing, though now using Plex Media Servier DLNA instead.
4. Enhanced Room Correction: Includes a new step to evaluate and display the effectiveness of room correction, showing actual results.
In my opinion, there should be a separate functionality for evaluating, displaying and saving (maybe to the foto album) the frequency response.
This should be doable first and/or after RC or, more in general, in every moment in order to evaluate also custom EQ etc.