WiiM pro app cannot find device


Mar 1, 2023
So I got my WiiM pro two days ago and setup was flawless. However, I have noticed that my phone is unable to detect the WiiM after it goes to sleep. I tried touching the play button to get it out of sleep mode and the white light gets brighter. My phone, (iphone xs), still cannot find it. I tried using an Android tablet and it did find it. Although, it will randomly disconnect when using the app. I have to renter the app and it works instantly again only to repeat the cycle every ten min or so. I tried someone else's iphone and no luck. I tried turning off the wifi on my phone and connecting again with no luck. It will only work if I reboot my phone. Anyone know why this is.
I just got a new WiiM Pro and running into the same issue with it, so much so, I can't even set it up. For me, it works fine on a direct ethernet connection, and I can get it connected to my router over WiFi but the app never is able to find it for some reason (both the app and WiiM are always on the same wireless network). From my router, I can see and confirm that the WiiM gets IP addresses and I can ping it so I know the device is able to connect and I was also able to port scan the WiiM so I can confirm it's services are accessible:

user@host ~ % ping
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=45.023 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=50.906 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=35.742 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 35.742/43.890/50.906/6.242 ms
user@host ~ %
user@host ~ % nmap -p-
Starting Nmap 7.94 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-05-01 20:01 CDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0040s latency).
Not shown: 65514 closed tcp ports (conn-refused)
443/tcp open https
2019/tcp open whosockami
5356/tcp open ms-smlbiz
7000/tcp open afs3-fileserver
8008/tcp open http
8009/tcp open ajp13
8012/tcp open unknown
8086/tcp open d-s-n
8443/tcp open https-alt
8819/tcp open unknown
8893/tcp open ddi-tcp-6
9000/tcp open cslistener
10001/tcp open scp-config
10101/tcp open ezmeeting-2
18008/tcp open unknown
18100/tcp open unknown
24012/tcp open unknown
25012/tcp open unknown
45727/tcp open unknown
49152/tcp open unknown
59152/tcp open unknown

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 80.45 seconds
user@host ~ %

My router is a newer TP Link (BE19000 Tri-Band Wi-Fi 7 Router) so I have multiple radios 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz all with the same SSID so clients can switch to their optimal/preferred speeds. I'm guessing something about this is the issue since I was able to set up a guest network locked on 2.4GHz radio that I was able to bootstrap the WiiM on (since I was able to break isolation from that network, my other devices can connect from the other radios without issue) so it's functioning without issue now. It's still a major pain since I'd rather the WiiM be able to leverage all of my network's bandwidth. I even have suuuuper old IoT clients that don't have any issue connecting so it just seems to be an odd issue inside the WiiM Home app for my situation.
You guys really should create support tickets from the WiiM app so they get logs and can debug the issue. Reminder: this forum is mostly just users like you.

It could be the router actually playing funny games with mDNS multicast packets, that wouldn't be the first time I see something like this.

It would be good to revive the feature request for WiiM app to get the option to specify a fixed IP which would also help with people who use split networks
You guys really should create support tickets from the WiiM app so they get logs and can debug the issue. Reminder: this forum is mostly just users like you.

It could be the router actually playing funny games with mDNS multicast packets, that wouldn't be the first time I see something like this.

It would be good to revive the feature request for WiiM app to get the option to specify a fixed IP which would also help with people who use split networks
I do appreciate the thoughtful response @bherren, but I've tried a few exchanges with support and haven't gotten very far there, unfortunately. Just lots of textbook troubleshooting responses: "did you turn it off and on again?", "are you connected to the SAME wifi network?", "please try a different router", "please try your troubleshooting steps again". Like, yo, I'm a software engineering, please just escalate my ticket. If a WiiM eng magically sees this message I'm, for sure, willing to help debug. I just don't have time to go back-and-forth with gaslighting Tier 1 support trying to get them to escalate--it stresses me out. 😖
My router is a newer TP Link (BE19000 Tri-Band Wi-Fi 7 Router) so I have multiple radios 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz all with the same SSID so clients can switch to their optimal/preferred speeds.
Have you tried disabling IGMP Proxy/Snooping? I needed to disable the protocol on a TP Link switch I have as discovery was sporadic.

You say that it's specific to the WiiM Home app, so are you able to connect to the WiiM using its Chromecast or UPnP interface?

Do you have any other devices that use mDNS for discovery?
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In the device settings (of the iPhone app) for your WiiM Pro, under Network Status, you can manually configure a static IP address for the WiiM Pro. I've had good luck detecting the WP since doing that, tho' I'm not certain why it matters, and to qualify, YMMV.