Advantages of using Fixed resolution?

Yeah, sorry that’s currently a restriction with Chromecast (or CastLite) only on the Ultra - should’ve mentioned that…
If Wiim doesn't up the chromecast quality on the ultra in the next few updates I'll go back to using my Pro.

Could someone please explain this to me? If I use fixed resolution and set it it 192 kHz everything will be upsampled right? Are there any advantages or disadvantages using this?
I have never, ever heard a digital system that sounds better than using native sampling frequency .

You can be fooled though , because every sample rate conversion makes the sound slightly thinner and harder than the original digital file . In an already muddy sounding system, this could maybe be perceived as a false improvement .
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I have never, ever heard a digital system that sounds better than using native sampling frequency .

You can be fooled though , because every sample rate conversion makes the sound slightly thinner and harder than the original digital file . In an already muddy sounding system, this could maybe be perceived as a false improvement .
That's a very special point of view not necessarily shared by the "mainstream". Upsampling allows for for softer output filters, which is considered beneficial by some.
For example oversampling in conjunction with huge multitap FIR filters, used in case of NOS DACs.
That's a very special point of view not necessarily shared by the "mainstream". Upsampling allows for for softer output filters, which is considered beneficial by some.
I dont care about the ” mainstream” . I know some believe it sounds better with upsampling but as a amateur soundtechnician, I can tell you that recorded material always sound better with the native sampling frequency .

Its another story that new dacs almost always uppsample the material , but one should keep it at a minimum , not doing any unneccecary SRC elsewhere in the chain.
Probably all delta-sigma DACs oversample the stream internally.
Regarding resampling, all good ASRC algorithms keep resampling artifacts below the audibility level.
For example oversampling in conjunction with huge multitap FIR filters, used in case of NOS DACs.

Sure, upsampling is a good way to eliminate aliasing in the DAC conversion using gentle LPFs. But… I trust that to few, those who actually know how to do it minimizing resampling artifacts. The usual simple FFT-based upsampling in commodity devices may not apply.
I know some believe it sounds better with upsampling but as a amateur soundtechnician, I can tell you that recorded material always sound better with the native sampling frequency .
You could tell me a lot. But why should I care? Shouldn't we all just trust our ears? :)
Probably all delta-sigma DACs oversample the stream internally.
Regarding resampling, all good ASRC algorithms keep resampling artifacts below the audibility level.
I can hear the SRC artefacts in Yamaha wxc50 ( preamp mode ) and when using Logic Pro X and audacity.
Small differences, but the sound quality gets a little colder and harder sounding compared to the original file. You have to use loudspeakers to hear this, because it affects the perceived stereoimage also somewhat. With SRC one looses some of the natural timbre, with the Yamaha wxc50 in pre amp mode its very clear, with Logic X the differense is very small . This is my subjective opinion and Im not alone.
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You have to use loudspeakers to hear this, because it affects the perceived stereoimage also somewhat.
I still remember your impressions about the width of stereo image for a monaural source material. Do not trust your ears too much.
Well next time they will talking micro detail and soundstage as big as wall.
I have a SMSL DO100 Pro DAC connected to Wiim Ultra via coax and when I turn max resolution to 24bit 196hz I hear pops and clicks when playing from sources with different resolutions. I feel fixed resolution would help here. Would love Wiim to add it to Ultra via a software update.
I have a SMSL DO100 Pro DAC connected to Wiim Ultra via coax and when I turn max resolution to 24bit 196hz I hear pops and clicks when playing from sources with different resolutions. I feel fixed resolution would help here. Would love Wiim to add it to Ultra via a software update.
You could set the max to 16 / 44.1 :ROFLMAO:
I have a SMSL DO100 Pro DAC connected to Wiim Ultra via coax and when I turn max resolution to 24bit 196hz I hear pops and clicks when playing from sources with different resolutions
I suppose it comes down to how much content you are streaming at 24/192, and if when you set the max output to say 24/96, you can tell the difference between the versions presented by the streaming services. For me it's only a few bits of Jazz and classical that hit 24/192 and as I listen mostly to Electronic music such a restriction on ourput would not have that much of an impact logically.

I admit it could be a trifle annoying to have a system not hitting it's max performance without issue though, luckily never had the issue, crossed fingers 🙄
I have a SMSL DO100 Pro DAC connected to Wiim Ultra via coax and when I turn max resolution to 24bit 196hz I hear pops and clicks when playing from sources with different resolutions. I feel fixed resolution would help here. Would love Wiim to add it to Ultra via a software update.
You can try with delay over the coax in absence of the fixed resolution.
Yes of course down sampling everything to 16/44 does work, but that's not the point. I tried different delay values, but with no good results.