Feedback Needed for the Forums

I think board layout is very beginner friendly. No need to change, IMO.

But: I just wanted to reply to a post. That post already was a reply to another post, containing a quote itself. It was not possible to have both quotes contained in my reply, which I would have wanted.
The what are you listening to thread is in danger of becoming a big jumble of oversized images of obscure tracks. Post s should have some purpose, eg. Something that makes them unique, worthy of wider attention, etc. Maybe an anecdotes to accompany the post. Or artwork of distinction perhaps.
Then just stay away from it, rather than spoiling other people's fun!
I just wanted to reply to a post. That post already was a reply to another post, containing a quote itself. It was not possible to have both quotes contained in my reply, which I would have wanted.
Enabling a full history of replies is a double-edged sword, to say the least. Yes, I understand how sometimes it could make it easier to understand the reply. But it would get messy very soon, too.

Right now you can reply to multiple messages and more specifically parts of multiple postings. It may be considered an advanced feature, but it's not hard to do: Just select any amount of text and an in-line reply button pops up. This does not start a new reply but simply appends to your current reply.

Personally I think it's sufficient to educate users about this feature.