first review ( measurements) for...amp pro... Already! :-0

Maybe Erin will go beyond the standard measurements if he got the Amp Pro for tests. I think that I've seen impedance vs frequency in his old test of the Amp.

he had tried this first approach... certainly "to dig deeper"...
(ps a piece of heat shrink on the non-insulated HP socket knobs would seem like a wise precaution to me ;-) )
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he had tried this first approach... certainly "to dig deeper"...
Your first language isn't English, great, but your posts are mostly un-intelligible and completely useless to an English-speaking board. Given how frequently you feel the need to post to this BB, it would be better if you posted in your own language and let Google Translate convert, for those that somehow have a burning desire to read your endless posts. For myself, I would be grateful if the board administrator would implement the feature to block certain posters, as I find this particular user's posts vapid and pointless. Thanks.
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Your first language isn't English, great, but your posts are mostly un-intelligible and completely useless to an English-speaking board. Given how frequently you feel the need to post to this BB, it would be better if you posted in your own language and let Google Translate convert, for those that somehow have a burning desire to read your endless posts. For myself, I would be grateful if the board administrator would implement the feature to block certain posters, as I find this particular user's posts vapid and pointless. Thanks.
simple...don't read me...:oops:
Hey Guy's..will the new Wiim amp pro stream wirelessly?? Thinkinking of adding it to a bedroom setup without ethernet..
John's statement that the Beatles are more popular than Jesus is put in a completely different light... Do I have to burn Oasis records now (even if I don't own one 😉)?
That sounds like a more credible statement to me. You should probably burn 1990's Oasis records, but whatever you do, don't burn the 1980's Oasis record if you have one, as it is so much better, and features a much higher standard of performers than that lot from the 1990's who couldn't even come up with an original name. :unsure: :rolleyes: ;)
That sounds like a more credible statement to me. You should probably burn 1990's Oasis records, but whatever you do, don't burn the 1980's Oasis record if you have one, as it is so much better, and features a much higher standard of performers than that lot from the 1990's who couldn't even come up with an original name. :unsure: :rolleyes: ;)
I don't want to contradict that

However, if they actually claimed to be better than the Beatles (with, perhaps 'more successful' or 'more popular' would be true at their time, I would have no problem), then that is in my opinion a tantamount to blasphemy 😉 (not meant entirely seriously, of course). I think the four from Liverpool will be remembered for decades, centuries to come, while people will perhaps only remember a couple of songs by Oasis...
I don't want to contradict that

However, if they actually claimed to be better than the Beatles (with, perhaps 'more successful' or 'more popular' would be true at their time, I would have no problem), then that is in my opinion a tantamount to blasphemy 😉 (not meant entirely seriously, of course). I think the four from Liverpool will be remembered for decades, centuries to come, while people will perhaps only remember a couple of songs by Oasis...
You’re definitely maybe correct there 🤣🤣
I think that this thread has drifted off topic quite a bit, so we should probably end this now. I blame @Burnside, as he started it in post #8.;):)

@RyanWithWiim , I think that the forum needs a new forum section purely for Off Topic discussions, where members can chat about almost anything, just like being in a virtual pub.
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