hi-res audio setup isn’t working as expected

Jeff C

May 21, 2024
Help me understand hi-res audio streaming

Hey everyone,

I need some help understanding why my hi-res audio setup isn’t working as expected. Here are the details of my two setups:

1. Wired setup: When I use my iFi DAC, the sound is superb.
- Setup: iPad streaming hi-res audio (Tidal) > wired to the DAC > wired to the amp
- Result: Excellent sound with “punchy bass”

2. Streaming setup: Using my brand new WiiM.
- Setup: iPhone with Tidal > WiiM > RCA to amp
- Result: Sounds “ok” but does not have the same quality or punchy bass

I was expecting the same or even better results with my new WiiM setup, but it’s falling short. What am I missing here? Any advice on how to optimize this setup would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help!
So the conclusion would be - as long as we listen to the static, sine waves and we don't care about the time domain, then distortions are below audibility threshold and we call it "transparent within audible range", right?
Ah the time domain sandman coming to scare children again... btw, the Pro Plus has a rather good clock and we are talking about "punchy bass"... low frequencies...
Ah the time domain sandman coming to scare children again... btw, the Pro Plus has a rather good clock and we are talking about "punchy bass"... low frequencies...
I thought it's about transparency, whatever it means.
Which of the measurements above would detect periodic pop or click noise, when it happens, let's say, every 10 minutes?
I guess we agree that "transparency" so far could be proven only for sine waves of constant amplitude.
Could it still be using the iPhones inbuilt dac and are you using the iPhone to control the wiim streaming or streaming on the phone itself which makes no sense apart from apple music
I've just received my plus, upgrading my old Sony 1040 to an x3700h but read multiple reviews saying this is better than heos to use, debating on ifi ipower supply, took me forever to accept Amazon music uhd would only play with the internal firestick dac no matter what amp etc you had Thinking about swapping to tidal, hope i like my wiim
I've just received my plus, upgrading my old Sony 1040 to an x3700h but read multiple reviews saying this is better than heos to use, debating on ifi ipower supply, took me forever to accept Amazon music uhd would only play with the internal firestick dac no matter what amp etc you had Thinking about swapping to tidal, hope i like my wiim
What is "internal firestick dac" ? 🤔