Listening impressions with the WiiM Ultra compared to the WiiM pro+ and compared to other streamers

While I disagree with some aspects of their work, they at least do not make few basic measurements to call devices "transparent" and they try to find out more. And they have a lot of measurement equipment which helps a lot.

I’m going to have a guess, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

You’d like any electronic audio device to be low distortion, low noise, and both full and flat frequency. Do I have that right?

I think the most telling comment is “We sell millions of dollars worth of cables every year.”

I’m happy to believe their claims as soon as they’re independently verified by properly controlled, independent testing.

Who could say fairer than that?
I’m going to have a guess, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

You’d like any electronic audio device to be low distortion, low noise, and both full and flat frequency. Do I have that right?
No, I would like to finally see a proof for "transparency" of the devices in general.
Anyway, this is a thread for listening impressions, so I'm off.
No, I would like to finally see a proof for "transparency" of the devices in general.
Anyway, this is a thread for listening impressions, so I'm off.

Hi, good point.

Just from my perspective, my answer would be this. We know we can hear distortion, noise and changes in frequency response. If there are another factors, they remain undiscovered.

We also know the limits of human audibility for each of those areas, as properly scientifically lab tested.

So that’s my position. Anything within those borders, that’s what I call transparent, and will do so until tests of the same standards either identify a new area, or show that the thresholds are wrong.

But I’m always happy to hear the experiences of others, whatever their perspective.

So over to you lot with Ultras.
Hi, good point.

Just from my perspective, my answer would be this. We know we can hear distortion, noise and changes in frequency response. If there are another factors, they remain undiscovered.

We also know the limits of human audibility for each of those areas, as properly scientifically lab tested.

So that’s my position. Anything within those borders, that’s what I call transparent, and will do so until tests of the same standards either identify a new area, or show that the thresholds are wrong.

But I’m always happy to hear the experiences of others, whatever their perspective.

So over to you lot with Ultras.
One famous speaker brand bower wilkins. Their design philosophy was to push tweeter break mode above human range. Their diamond tweeter break up mode was in 40k plus range. The measurement to built their speaker were among the finest I have seen. However, Andrew review those brand said in his subjective it was too bright because of metal tweeter.
One famous speaker brand bower wilkins. Their design philosophy was to push tweeter break mode above human range. Their diamond tweeter break up mode was in 40k plus range. The measurement to built their speaker were among the finest I have seen. However, Andrew review those brand said in his subjective it was too bright because of metal tweeter.

You know the pictures of those speakers in Abbey Road? I’ve been there, and I’ve heard those. 👍👍👍
One famous speaker brand bower wilkins. Their design philosophy was to push tweeter break mode above human range. Their diamond tweeter break up mode was in 40k plus range. The measurement to built their speaker were among the finest I have seen. However, Andrew review those brand said in his subjective it was too bright because of metal tweeter.
Mine have metal woofer and tweeter. He must really hate them 🤣
Mine have metal woofer and tweeter. He must really hate them 🤣
The perception of cone and dome made of metal doesn’t really mean bright. I have elac made of aluminum wasn’t bright at all. I do watch Randy since he put more video. Subjective review can interesting.
Why does every thread in this forum seem to discuss everything but the topic? Where are the reviews of the sound quality output of the Ultra (internal DAC vs feeding external DAC)?!
Partly because I tend to view threads as conversations that, like real life, can sometimes wander away from the initial subject but equally can get back on topic just as quickly.

As to where the reviews are, the Ultra has hardly hit the streets and not everyone comes to a forum like this to share what they like about it. As more members get an Ultra, then we’ll hear more.