It is failing at playing a sweep through the DAC. Presumably the Ultra can play music through the DAC so a sweep shouldn't be a problem.
It's just like
@s3igell says "
the Ultra DAC is NOT failing to produce the Sweeps. Rather, certain External DACs are triggered by something about the Sweeps, and then producing Odd Noise instead of the steady Sweep Tones."
This is the situation which drives me crazy because I don't understand what it could depend on :
1) I use the Ultra every day for listening to music and it works perfectly with all connections and all resolutions.
2) If I do the room correction in stereo inside PEQ of WHA, I have the sweep tone and everything works
3) If I do room correction the way I used to before WiiM introduced auto-correction (amp balance all to the left, measure, curve, save. amp balance all to the right. measure, curve, save. Last step copy the obtained values into the PEQ for channel ) I have sweep tone on both left and right and everything is fine.
The problem only occurs if I try to do automatic room correction. At that point something, I don't know what, is triggered that produces noise instead of sweep tones.
Another strange thing is that if I use House Curve with the same Ultra, same connection cables, same DAC, I can measure per channel and get the correct sweep tone both on the right and left.
So it seems that it has something to do with automatic room correction and WHA.
I really don't know what to think.