The Ultra Has Landed

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My work colleague bought a wiim ultra with full expectations, and his first impressions brought him disappointment. He already has a wiim pro plus like me and he also has a bluesound node. Before that, he was very excited about the wiim pro plus, but now with the wiim ultra, he says that bluesound sounds better with his kind of settings.
My work colleague bought a wiim ultra with full expectations, and his first impressions brought him disappointment. He already has a wiim pro plus like me and he also has a bluesound node. Before that, he was very excited about the wiim pro plus, but now with the wiim ultra, he says that bluesound sounds better with his kind of settings.

That’s strange. You’ve just posted exactly the same thing at ASR. And you’ve only posted there a handful of times, too.

You are probab…sorry, your colleague is probably the only person in the planet who’s heard both the Pro Plus and Ultra and thinks the former sounds better.

What are ‘his kind of settings’?
@Steve Woodhouse
A short addition: If you don't want or are not able to try to reach the last percentages of sound quality that's completely ok. For you! But your partly outrageous way of calling others who can or want to invest more "deluded" just makes you ridiculous.
@Steve Woodhouse
A short addition: If you don't want or are able to try to reach the last percentages of sound quality that's completely ok. For you! But your partly outrageous way of calling others who can or want to invest more "deluded" just makes you ridiculous.
He said he listened to the Mini and the Ultra connected to the same DAC and couldn't tell the difference.
PS The ultra can't sound better than the "plus" at best...same in ana or num output* "perfectly transparent "" ;-)))
"steve rules"
( * totally useless digital output because an external dac will not be able to do better than the internal one of the plus or ultra)
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PS The ultra can't sound better than the "plus" at best...same in ana or num output* "perfectly transparent "" ;-)))
"steve rules"
( * totally useless digital output because an external dac will not be able to do better than the internal one of the plus or ultra)
Apparently, an external dac at price range of let say 600 would yield better measurements than the ultra. Better measurements yield transparent sound. I don’t know about you and your ear but I could hear a better measuring device. If you say you can’t hear it well too bad it’s not the equipment fault but your ear to blame.
Apparently, an external dac at price range of let say 600 would yield better measurements than the ultra. Better measurements yield transparent sound. I don’t know about you and your ear but I could hear a better measuring device. If you say you can’t hear it well too bad it’s not the equipment fault but your ear to blame.
I don't understand you anymore..a change of posture? The perfectly transparent beyond the audible is no more? No more "totally indiscernible"? The thresholds of audibility exceeded...etc
(ps you forgot something no? aes etc etc)
I don't understand you anymore..a change of posture? The perfectly transparent beyond the audible is no more? No more "totally indiscernible"? The thresholds of audibility exceeded...etc
(ps you forgot something no? aes etc etc)
Look you have problem on your hearing that you can’t hear so that’s your problem.
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