Whatever I do, I try, it's the same useless, hourglass, stalling, clunky, slow shit. The app is perfect on its own, listening to it on the phone. However, it is unusable with the Wiim. I have tantrums while listening to music. If this goes on, I'm going to smash my phone. Because that's torture. Listening to music is a huge game of patience. I'm jumping in a song and he's circling for 1 minute, thinking???? No, no, I can't believe they can't do it properly. I also submitted error tickets. So far, I have asked for 2 things in total: a working, usable Tidal Connect and a 20-band GEQ. I think I'll smash the Pro Plus with a hammer too, even though it wasn't that cheap to pay here
but it's useless like that.