Ultra room correction results

That's a fine example of the non-linear nature of room effects. The one million dollar question is: Do we even want to try and correct for that or not? ;)

Personally, I don't think that there is an easy and obvious answer ...
What about performing correction at the most frequent listening level? I usually throw sweeps at much higher levels than my standard listening habits...
What about performing correction at the most frequent listening level? I usually throw sweeps at much higher levels than my standard listening habits...
My sweeps tend to be higher than normal listening mainly because the music uses replaygain and the sweeps don't 😀. I also noticed some furniture resonances so should probably turn it down a bit next time. As long as the level is well above the ambient noise level and below the resonating furniture level you should be OK.
One other comment I posted elsewhere on the forum, but if you have a protective case on your phone, be sure to take it off when running room correction. Leaving the case on significantly affected things in an adverse manner -- got much better results with the case off.
Is the protective cover you’re referring is for android? I tried it on iPhone with and without and result was identical.
Is the protective cover you’re referring is for android? I tried it on iPhone with and without and result was identical.
Yes, I have an Android phone, Samsung S22. Note there are a lot of different protective cases available for phones, so the impact will vary with your particular phone and the specific case you have. Even if it turns out the case has no impact, it strikes me easier to just do it with the case off.