Updated Windows Wiim App

And so tonight, on the 30th of May, 2024, I seen a notification to this thread I started long ago
And I went to check the Windows app, and indeed, it's been updated to 0.1.6 beta
Check it out for yourself
It won't replace the mobile app, but I like to use it when I'm at my PC

Where do you find the Windows app?
WiiM Home for PC beta0.1.6 installs successfully. But, when started, it displays the familiar Main Page with an hourglass. Then after about 10-15 sec, it quietly self-terminates...
WiiM Home for PC beta0.1.6 installs successfully. But, when started, it displays the familiar Main Page with an hourglass. Then after about 10-15 sec, it quietly self-terminates...
I think you should uninstall, shutdown, power off, reboot and try again?
Don't have any good advice for you but I haven't had trouble with the 3 exe I've installed
It's just a point release, so don't expect any expanded functionality, rather just minor flaws fixed.

Settings e.g. still display all kinds of output related stuff that applies to Pro or Pro Plus, only.
For anyone "bothered" by the album art not updating (not sure if it's Airplay only but that's my primary use) I stumbled across the log files today (pressed the little ?) and noticed there's a folder in the same directory called covers - it's where the artwork gets stored.

If it's empty as a new song starts (or resumes from pause, most of the time) it fetches the correct image.

I wrote the below batch file to run concurrently that empties that temp folder every 30 seconds. Problem solved until there's a more permanent fix.

@echo off

REM Replace "C:\Path\To\Your\Folder" with the actual path to your folder
del /q "C:\Path\To\Your\Folder\*.*"
timeout /t 30 > nul
goto loop
I happened to take a look at the windows app and found it has been updated to 0.15 beta
There is finally some usable settings accessible from your windows machine

Highly recommended
The app is now at 0.1.7 beta
Not a huge change from 0.1.5, but likely some bug fixes available
Consult Wiim for changelog
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dssme and harkpabst, you are both "right". v. 0.1.7 for windows was available for a short while (I have it installed on my PC). But for some reason, the release that you can download as of today (23 June) has been knocked back to v. 0.1.6. I don't know why.
dssme and harkpabst, you are both "right". v. 0.1.7 for windows was available for a short while (I have it installed on my PC). But for some reason, the release that you can download as of today (23 June) has been knocked back to v. 0.1.6. I don't know why.
I'm on 0.1.7 as well having previously downloaded. I've not noted any visible improvements.

Just checked and the updated version is back available again.
In 0.1.6, the SSDP protocol was apparently removed, for some reason making it take much longer (minutes, as opposed to instantaneous) for the Home app to find my WiiM Pro. The 0.1.7 version apparently has SSDP back in, and all is back to normal here.