What products you'd like to see WiiM produce?

... users who still have non budget legacy stereo setups that don't have digital inputs ...
And a good number of them have been persuaded to buy an external DAC
Funny you should say that. I have such a system, and I literally just bought a dac for it 3 hours ago.

Edit - I still need to do an upside down, back to front, inside out, blindfolded comparison in my other systems to see what will end up where.
Looks like a DAC-less, Linkplay based, less feature rich WiiM mini with a i2s connection and arguably a nicer box at three times the cost. Or am I missing something? :)
It costs about $250 Wiim can design something much better for $300
So why pro is audiophile grade and mini is not ?
A new marketing team? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Maybe the form factor of the Pro and it having ethernet and coax, as well as a more capable cpu and increased RAM make it potentially more 'audiophile' than the little puck-like mini - we all know how audiophiles like how things look as well as sound ;)
So why pro is audiophile grade and mini is not ?
If you're after a reasonably sensible answer, maybe
The pro has a (slightly) better output stage
The pro has less jitter, iirc
The pro has coax out
The pro is a 'proper' bit of kit, being a box, not a puck

And whatever Brantome said too...
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it's true, it's exciting😃
the WR2 should have the same streaming section as the omnia mini. but adds the screen, the headphone jack, a bigger chassis..
You submitted already your finished calculation in writing to WiiMs DB? 😉
No, I'm just saying that based on the little miracle they did with the pro. it seems that in wiim they manage to give more for the same money. I don't know how to calculate anything but I imagine that could be the price target
Agreed. Except the mythical jitter part, the answer from the "meassurers" to all unproven, only in special ears appearing and always unlistenable issues. 😉
Nothing mythical about it. This is the Jittery Unicorn, which is also a real animal.


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seems quite normal to me that, if this is indeed the case, wiim simply releases a review of their 2 products on the subjects where they have been beaten...
the dac and more incidentally the rca sockets...

don't forget that wiim linkplay is first and foremost a manufacturer of oem products which is tested with its "wiim" brand...
we have already had great success with mini and pro and we can understand that maybe we just want to strengthen their success in this very large public niche...
see leave more audiophile niches to historical brands or ifi etc
keep them customers of their modules and not come to their steps
(they already have a lot of work to do on the software debug side etc. see.. because it becomes surprising when you observe the competition, settling this story of roon (I talk about it all the more freely as I am not concerned))
The fact is that I have not heard another streamer besides wiim mini.

However I did not find a single report or instance on the internet for wiim pro having better audio quality through optical compared to mini.

I have found many though that state that primare np5 > ifi zen stream > bluesound node > argon audio solo > Wiim as a transport audio quality.
However I did not find a single report or instance on the internet for wiim pro having better audio quality through optical compared to mini.
You won't find a difference between their "audio quality" as they're both bit perfect over optical. And what your range of kit might be comparing is the quality of the DAC output which is analogue and not delivered over the devices' optical output.
All of sudden till brantome said pro+ only improvement was internal dac and leave everything on pro without additional connection. I’m sure this will cost more than pro but who will buy this knowing we use its coax/spdif to connect to external dac. I don’t think pro+ will sell well in comparison to pro. Most external dac that user used will be superior to the improvement on what will incorporate. They could atlist add usb out then will buy it.
You won't find a difference between their "audio quality" as they're both bit perfect over optical. And what your range of kit might be comparing is the quality of the DAC output which is analogue and not delivered over the devices' optical output.
No that is only for digital stage . Primare and ifi zen stream have no DACs .

Until I hear I will keep my reservations as for how much the digital part plays a role in final audio quality .
All of sudden till brantome said pro+ only improvement was internal dac and leave everything on pro without additional connection. I’m sure this will cost more than pro but who will buy this knowing we use its coax/spdif to connect to external dac. I don’t think pro+ will sell well in comparison to pro. Most external dac that user used will be superior to the improvement on what will incorporate. They could atlist add usb out then will buy it.
The people who will buy it if it delivers the hoped for better DAC and analogue performance and is reasonably priced compared to the Pro will be those who would have otherwise bought an external DAC costing say $100-200 dollars or more - now they can have that in one box. As I may have already said, some might view this new Pro as what the original Pro should have been - an upgrade from the Mini with a better DAC and connectivity.
Funny now they have 3 choice mini, pro and plus with improved dac. Who’s buying pro+ to replace pro with improved dac? This will cater first time buyer or upgrading mini.