What products you'd like to see WiiM produce?

I started ripping my LP and open-reel collection some 20+ years ago and have long since finished. It is nice to have those items that were never released on CD or performances that I recorded myself or given by others (I worked my way through college as a sound man for concerts) available on my local drive. LMS can integrate those for playback with my ripped & downloaded material as well as with my Qobuz subscription. The other interesting thing is I find the LPs I've transferred to digital sound just like the LP, though digital processing can help reduce the number of clicks and pops you hear. For those who complain about "digital sound" I think that is far more due to the fads and fashions prevalent in the the music industry at the moment than any fault of the recording format. (Think of the "loudness wars" phenomenon.... And I should also note there are some physical constraints to LP production that affect how much time one can have on an LP which has an impact on playback volume and bass content.)
I started ripping my LP and open-reel collection some 20+ years ago and have long since finished. It is nice to have those items that were never released on CD or performances that I recorded myself or given by others (I worked my way through college as a sound man for concerts) available on my local drive. LMS can integrate those for playback with my ripped & downloaded material as well as with my Qobuz subscription. The other interesting thing is I find the LPs I've transferred to digital sound just like the LP, though digital processing can help reduce the number of clicks and pops you hear. For those who complain about "digital sound" I think that is far more due to the fads and fashions prevalent in the the music industry at the moment than any fault of the recording format. (Think of the "loudness wars" phenomenon.... And I should also note there are some physical constraints to LP production that affect how much time one can have on an LP which has an impact on playback volume and bass content.)
Boils down to choices made in mastering. Most people would deny this, but the marketplace says people do not really like dynamic range.

I listen mostly to classical, and Vaughan Williams was fond of starting a piece with barely audible strings, followed by a full orchestra crescendo. So the temptation is to turn the volume up at the beginning, then regret it.
Boils down to choices made in mastering. Most people would deny this, but the marketplace says people do not really like dynamic range.

I listen mostly to classical, and Vaughan Williams was fond of starting a piece with barely audible strings, followed by a full orchestra crescendo. So the temptation is to turn the volume up at the beginning, then regret it.

Yup -- shocking that the quiet portions of a song were meant to be played -- wait for it -- quietly.

However, so much recorded music is played back in cars, or as background in noisy environments like restaurants and bars, that many recordings are dynamically compressed. And digital recording tools, in spite of the vast dynamic range of the format, has actually made things worse. In transferring LPs to digital, I used Adobe Audition. On an LP recorded in the 1960s or 70s, for example, you could see the wide variability in the peak loudness of drum strikes. These days, from digital recordings, there is virtual absolute uniformity in the peak volume of those drum hits. While this certainly makes the recording a bit more listenable at lower volumes or in difficult environments where pianississimo would go unheard, it does rob the music of some of its life when listened to in a focused manner.

The mass market usually wins.
FYI Fosi is working on one...

it seems like that project has sadly been dropped, as very little response from their own Forum, however they were proposing coming at a higher price range than convenient, so its still an opportunity for Wiim to head this race and embrace lots of HiFi beginners like my self.
What products would you like to see based on what you've experienced so far?
Apologies if it's been described already (didn't read 46 pages of posts), but I would like to see a digital preamp with a DAC/USB input, a physical volume knob, balanced XLR output (+ RCA), multiple sub output and full crossover bass management. No amplification, no streaming, no touchscreens. Right now, the MiniDSP Flex comes closest, but you have to choose balanced or RCA outputs and it costs about $500.
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WiiM Pro v. 2. Basic streamer, just add USB out. Noting else. No screen, same size and price. Make that the entry product; nix the Mini.