WiiM Pro Plus Firmware v4.8.626448 Update - Aug 16, 2024

You'd like to think it's a placeholder for the fully featured RC development, otherwise as it is, it's of little to no use?
Whilst you could set the hardware to L or R channel only, run RC on each and then manually input the corresponding PEQ, it's missing the interaction between both channels which is presumably critical. Just scanned through the Roon community guide to RC but doesn't really explain stereo vs L/R
You'd like to think it's a placeholder for the fully featured RC development, otherwise as it is, it's of little to no use?
Whilst you could set the hardware to L or R channel only, run RC on each and then manually input the corresponding PEQ, it's missing the interaction between both channels which is presumably critical. Just scanned through the Roon community guide to RC but doesn't really explain stereo vs L/R
It is hard to know what the best method is for using L/R PEQ. I measured left and right independently using the moving microphone method rather than a sweep and checked the response afterwards with both channels and the result looked OK. I used REW to calculate the PEQ filters.
It is hard to know what the best method is for using L/R PEQ. I measured left and right independently using the moving microphone method rather than a sweep and checked the response afterwards with both channels and the result looked OK. I used REW to calculate the PEQ filters.
I'm new to RC, what is the "moving microphone method"?
I'm new to RC, what is the "moving microphone method"?
First question then is that the REW method described uses white noise (so like Sonos version of RC which sends multiple pulses as you walk the mic around the room) but Wiim just does one sweep, so I would presume you don't want to be moving about. To use a MMM method, you'd need to take multiple sweeps and use the same algorithm that REW does calculate the correct EQ profile. Unless i'm missing something?
First question then is that the REW method described uses white noise (so like Sonos version of RC which sends multiple pulses as you walk the mic around the room) but Wiim just does one sweep, so I would presume you don't want to be moving about. To use a MMM method, you'd need to take multiple sweeps and use the same algorithm that REW does calculate the correct EQ profile. Unless i'm missing something?
You don't use sweeps at all. You use pink noise not white noise. You can download pink noise tracks from the generator function in REW and play them by your preferred method.
Germany, update done. Now much more radio stations produce drop outs, than before. All has become a little bit more erratic. Scanning the network for AP fails after a while, selection of favourites in vTuner did not react for a time, then it suddenly played the station I selected in vTuner, but communicated the meta data much later.
I am having the exact same problem, but in the USA. I have an additional problem as well - room correction doesn’t work on an iPad, but does on my Android cellphone.
Hey, does anyone else have performance issues of late? A few days ago I started noticing that my Pro Plus behaves rather slow most of the time (not always!). Things like starting a playlist (preset) or switching from one song to another inside the queue takes several seconds. Sometimes it even skips the song that I actually hit and rather plays the one that would follow said track (again, the whole process taking several seconds without any feedback before something actually happens).

I suspect that the most recent version maybe introduced some instabilities. Can anyone confirm similar behaviour?

PS: Restarting the device doesn't solve the issue.
Hey, does anyone else have performance issues of late? A few days ago I started noticing that my Pro Plus behaves rather slow most of the time (not always!). Things like starting a playlist (preset) or switching from one song to another inside the queue takes several seconds. Sometimes it even skips the song that I actually hit and rather plays the one that would follow said track (again, the whole process taking several seconds without any feedback before something actually happens).

I suspect that the most recent version maybe introduced some instabilities. Can anyone confirm similar behaviour?

PS: Restarting the device doesn't solve the issue.
Yep, similar but worse issues for me. It takes close to a minute to change presets, playing the same song twice, not skipping properly, metadata for the prior song, etc..
The issues with my Pro and my Pro Plus got more worse every day.
Its absolutely subjective and for this reason I'll try to give a kind of a "Declaration with lots of Egoism" 😉 And sorry for the long post.
Was quite happy with my Pro and the Pro Plus. They hadn't to do heavy duty jobs here. Streaming from Qobuz and feeding my chain. Roon readiness was kind of a goodie on top. Nothing more wanted.
Among a few other (and already enough discussed topics about companies' attitudes) there is one issue where I do not expect any change. And thats the reason I abandoned my Pro and Pro Plus. Every "new" or "de-bugged" feature opened Pandora's box again. My usage of the WiiM was nothing more than only using it for Qobuz in a decent way. Worked perfectly quite long. Got worse with every firmware update, especially with launching the "advanced" EQ and even more the RC things. Lots of people excited about, but even here and even more outside this fanbase recognized a bit of reality. But "opening a ticket via the WHA" is not part of my duties.
"Feature" became a word non grata for me.
My fear, quite often already expressed, that an overload will happen became more evident day by day. Starting a device three times every day? Not for power savings, but for freezing and stop working of the item? Thank you, but no. Every new update or features created bugs which made the software weaker. Jumping from one firmware update or bug fixing to the next might be fun or "customer friendly" for some. Not for me, sorry. There are more than enough alternatives around. Especially for my really quite moderate requirements.
If I pay for something I wanna have all the declared properties. Nothing to do with cheap or expensive. Even a cheap lighter has to make fire. The model of software related increasing features was never part of my wishlist. And even worse if features went suddenly away by night and fog. I pay for devices, not for promises and tinkering. And I have absolutely zero understanding when a company changes my running system without chance for me to avoid that.
Nevertheless, a switch named "Stop forced updating and sending me features I simply do not want or need! Everything works fine just now! Keep your programmer's fingers out of my devices!" would have eventually been enough. Has to be quite a big switch 😝
Why am I still around? Well, my Pro was one of the 25 first production models in Germany. And so was the Plus. There is still a relationship. And may be, in a far away future, WiiM will come around the corner with my dream machine. And the "What are you listening" thread give good recommendations from time to time.
I couldn’t have said it better! I am close to throwing in the towel with this product. It MUST be reliable with the essentials, and right now it’s not.
Just checked with the wife’s iPhone 13 Pro: room correction works ok, so there’s something specifically wrong with the iPad
Rolled back to the prior firmware, no change. HOWEVER, more recently tech support suggested something else - connecting to the 5G wifi instead of 2.4G. That worked, but I lost all my presets and RC curves. I still don't understand why my presets worked before with the 2.4G connection, but at least I have a functioning product now. Incidentally, I ran RC on 3 different devices: iphone 8 and 13 pro, and a Samsung Galaxy S10+ with a Dayton mm6 mic. While all 3 are different, they are **generally** similar in shape in critical ranges. That's encouraging, as they were all over the place before. Haven't had a chance to try the ipad yet.