Just to add to this. Measurement is an objective way of comparing similar things, it doesn't mean it sounds good it means it performs well. Not everyone likes the sound of hifi, probably because it's artificial and also because everyone's room acoustics are different, and then we're all different. The car analogy is usefull, I love Alfas because of a emotional thing, my mates think I'm stupid. They have similar specs to their cars. Therein lies the problem of subjectivism, it's only true for one person. The problem occurs when we start believing someone else's subjective opinion as truth, and that human fallibility is the bedrock upon which the entire consumer audio business is built on.
What is more useful is to challenge what is being measured, and how. Anyone can use a steel tape measure, but how do you know if its right. This is where ASR gets a bit suspect unless there are multiple testers all coming to the same or very close results.