Change power cord to the Ultra

Anyone test to change to a better power cord on the Ultra?

I was using the standard 0.75mm²x2 18 AWG cable, and then I connected the “QED Qonduit P-MC performance” 16awg power cable using a C14 to C7 adapter. The change in sound was noticeable. The loose bass became firmer, and the density increased.

I am using the Wiim Ultra as the source and utilizing the USB output to connect to the Audiolab 8300CDQ as the DAC. It's worth trying with affordable cables.


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I have to try changing power cables on my computer. I can probably make it compute better (occasionally I run Windows Calculator and it tells me that 2+2=5) and have the monitor show clearer pixels and more accurate colours.
I was using the standard 0.75mm²x2 18 AWG cable, and then I connected the “QED Qonduit P-MC performance” 16awg power cable using a C14 to C7 adapter. The change in sound was noticeable. The loose bass became firmer, and the density increased.

I am using the Wiim Ultra as the source and utilizing the USB output to connect to the Audiolab 8300CDQ as the DAC. It's worth trying with affordable cables.
I have recently put ferrite chokes around each of the power cables for the Ultra , my dac and my HYPEX amp . Two on each cable . For the ultra I have multiple turns of powercable around a big ferrite choke . The sound is different for sure , less dynamic and slightly cleaner . Exactly what Rob Watts from Chord says the effect will be .

RFi and EMI contamination will give a false impression of more detail to the sound .

On ASR they have shown that using multiple cableturns around a ferrite choke lowers the noise 10 dB from 1 kHz and up. At 20 kHz its 25 dB. So not just at 500 MHz .

Read more here :


This might not do any difference on the internal electronics of the treated gear, but it will lower eventual noise coming out from the power supply, backwards to the grid polluting other components .

Maybe this is something for Onlyoneme to investigate - how much pollution does the Ultra put back to the grid ?
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You did not pay attention to what you read:

"If low impedance Common mode (ground loop) Noise is the Problem, Ferrites and "good cabel" make a difference."
You did not pay attention to what you read:

"If low impedance Common mode (ground loop) Noise is the Problem, Ferrites and "good cabel" make a difference."
Agree .
Now, the question is …
Is ground loop noise from the ultras coaxial spdif out , rca analog out , or power supply an issue in the Ultra ?

Your measurements on the Ultra got better results with a low pass filter used, why is that ?
I think it's an HF pollution from the PSU, unrelated to the ground loop effects, but I'm not an electronics guy.
The influence of cables in the ground loop conditions, both IC and power ones, is obvious and I published measurements of that in the past.
Just think how much better any power cord would sound with one of these.
Just think how much better any power cord would sound with one of these.
Fuses....a never ending source of joy 😂

I think it's an HF pollution from the PSU, unrelated to the ground loop effects, but I'm not an electronics guy.
The influence of cables in the ground loop conditions, both IC and power ones, is obvious and I published measurements of that in the past.
Thanks for the answer.
Would there be a higher SINAD from the DAC-RCA analog output if one puts ferrite chokes around each channel of the rca cables ?
Is there a higher SINAD on the spdif coaxial out if doing the same ?

When you measured the analog RCA output on the WiiM Ultra, at what frequency was the SINAD the lowest ? 50 kHz or higher ?
Just think how much better any power cord would sound with one of these.
Just change to European sockets and rely on a RCBO for protection. No need for any fuses.
It would need to be an audiophile RCBO 😃
Now that's a business opportunity.

"Pure copper DIN rails to ensure sinusoidal performance and finest earth protection. Enclosed in Highest grade Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Polymer to ensure audio loop bypass. Opens up the soundstage and loosens bass."
I need to get some of this stuff. Looks like a bargain at £200.
