Help me figure out the digital flow (WiiM Pro)

Yeah, that was a joke. Do you know of any device that would DA convert a digital signal to analog, then reduce the volume just to AD convert it back to a low level digital signal? ;)

I don't.

But in case you should have converted to a person not playing jokes on others over night, I might just as well promise to @Brantome to never do it again. :D
Ok, if it was a joke which I didn't get: Peace! Most likely my affinity too (sometimes flat) jokes is known. But on the first view with the knowledge of ones "preferences" it could have been...😉
(Es kann durchaus sein, dass ich in Bezug auf einige Posts hier über persönliche Meinungen und/oder Entscheidungen zur Zeit etwas dünnhäutig bin. Wenn du das jetzt unschuldig abbekommen hast entschuldige das bitte!)